НеЛукавые цифры

Dec 18, 2014 14:38

Так, в памятку любителям рассказывать о том, как отечественные опросники дескать такие прокремлевские, что и цифры рисуют, и ваащщще....Жду рассказа об источниках оплаты Ассошиэйтед Пресс и их личной заинтересованности "рисовать цифры"

Three Things You Should Know
From the AP-NORC Russia Poll

  1. The Russian people are rallying around Vladimir Putin, who now enjoys an 81 percent approval rating, much higher than the 58 percent rating he received in a 2012 AP poll.
  2. Economic woes are top of mind among the Russian people even though few Russians report a negative impact on their own pocketbooks. Most say that sanctions are hurting the Russian economy, though impacts on personal finances are more concentrated among those with higher incomes.
  3. Two-thirds of Russians favor efforts to support Ukrainians who want to separate from the Kiev government.
- See more at: http://www.apnorc.org/projects/Pages/public-opinion-in-russia-russians-attitudes-on-the-economic-and-domestic-issues.aspx#sthash.C6ZqoDHu.dpuf


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