Apr 21, 2005 19:12
ugh jeez step sisters suck sometimes.
katie: do you know where the cordless phone is?
me- nope sorry
katie: god youre so fucking lazy
me- pah shut up
phone rings
kaite: god get the phone you stupid lazy bitch
me- *startes*
she reaches over and picks up the phone
pah. well fuck her. =P heheehee oh well
anyways rehersal after school was fun, and uptown girls is finished!!!!! =D i cant wait its really cute. and we chilled witht the people from encore rehearsal a little bit which was pretty fun and me and clair tried out for the solo. woot woot! ooh and last weekend was the best.
Friday: me and allison went to get pedicures and my feet smelled awesome for the rest of the day hahahah and then we went to eat at mama fu's that was sooo good in the NEW north hills and then went to go see fever pitch in the NEW north hills hahah and then got milkshakes. yummm. awesome day.
Saturday: spent allll day shopping for my 8th grade dance dress and like to like 4 million malls and must have tried on like a million dresses but i got the black one from banana republic! when im done, it will be like a black silk dress, with two straps that like go down and meet in the middle, and then like a red and white dot ribbon at about like the waist, with red design accessories! and then it goes in for my waist and then like out a little and then back in. hahah that might sound a little confusing but its really pretty. =)
Sunday: went to church and me and emily listened to the ipod for church. ahahahah that was fun and then i went home to do my homework. =)
a very cool weekend though
Monday, April 11, 2005
[my name is]: olivia
[in the morning]: i eat and shower and stuff
[love is]: super
[if i could see one person right now]: hmm. the people from byc. (counts as one)
[tall or short]: short kinda
[born]: march sixth
[shoe]: rainbows
[school]: ligon! go little blues!
[sibs]: emily
[righty or lefty]: lefty
[been in love]: no i dont think so
[lied]: well who hasnt?
[given someone a bath]: haha no cant say i have
[smoked]: nope
[bungee jumped]:no thatd be fun though
[broken the law]: mmhmm
[skinny dipped]: yeah.
[cried to get out of trouble]: many a time. it works too.
[fallen for the wrong girl/guy]: hell yes
[cut your own hair]: yeah i did this one time when i was five and it was soo funny.
[been mean]: too many times. im trying to be better.
[stalked someone]:nope but ive been stalked
[talked to someone]: nope. never. my tongue was cut out and sold on the black market by a russian pirate when i was a baby.
[hugged someone]: yes.
[fought with parents]: yes.
[skipped school]: no
[kept a secret from everyone]: yes. not alot though.
[had an imaginary friend]: yesss
[wanted to hook up w/ a friend]: well then they wouldnt be my friend. =)
[Cried during a flick]: uh huh
W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X
[what do u notice first?]: hair
[turn on-looks]: good hair and absss
[turn off-looks]: shortness and bad hair and fat
[colouring]: i really dont care. i dont see why anyone does, but whatever.
[hair length]: like shaggy kinda
[best height]: tall
[best weight]: in the middle.
[last called]: allison for homework =) hehe
[last emailed]: dont no..
[last mailed letter]: whoever i invited to my scary movie party ;)
[went to the mall w/ u]: parents hhaah but for my dress
[makes you laugh the most?]: hmm thats a lot of people but id prob hafta say..sam, sarah, emily, clair in ve, the people at my lunches =)hahah
[makes you smile]: i smile pretty easily. almost anyone.
[easier to talk to: boys or girls ?]: both are ok, but i guess it depends on the person too.
[have you known the longest]: emily since like 2nd grade and were STILL friends.
[do you cry with]: anyone that i feel nonselfconious to cry around.
W O R D A S S O C i A T i O N
[red]: heart
[cow]: milk
[grass]: green
[blue]: sky
[mirror]: reflection
[cracker]: white person =D hahahah
[zine]: zone
[jelly]: fish
T H i S O R T H A T
[day/night]: day.
[summer/winter]: summer
[lace/satin]: satin
[tape/cd]: cd.
[lust/love]: i think it depends on the person.
[on phone/in person]: person.
[gold/silver]: silver.
[scary/happy movies]: happy movie and i like scary movies too. but i need someone to stay up with me after haha
F A V O R i T E
[color]: pink
[holiday]: my birthday
[shampoo]: brilliant brunette
[furniture]: bed
[number]: 22 or 5
[emotion]: confidence
[food]: ben and jerrys new york super fudge chunk ice cream
[drink]: dr pepper
[fast food]: blech
[school subject]: math
[animal]: weiner dog =)
[sport to play]: soccer
[sport to watch]: soccer
[flower]: lilys
[cartoon character]: charlie brown.
[language]: french.
[weekend activity]: friends
[rollercoaster]: i dont know.
[font]: hahaha i dunno
[store]: hollister
H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U
[obsessive]: i try not to be
[take a shower everyday]: yes.
[want to go to college]: yes.
[like high school]: not in it yet but im sure ill love it.
[want to get married]: yes.
[believe in yourself]: always
[get motion sickness]: nope
[have high self esteem]: yup i do
[get along w/ your parents]: yeah.
[like thunder storms]: no.
[sit on the computer waiting for someone special to get on?]: nah
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: plenty of times.
[been rejected]: yes. not directly, but still.
[rejected someone]: yes.
[used someone]: yes
[done something u regret]: uh huh
[colour ur hair]: yeah
[ever get off the computer]: of course.
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunset.
[physical pain or emotional pain?]: physical
[is cheerleading a sport?]: heck yes it is.
[the last time you slept with a stuffed animal]: never.
[how many homes have you lived in]: four
[would you shave ur head for $5000]: no way
[age for marriage]: 20-26
[last film seen in theatre]: fever pitch. very cute.
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: a smoothie
[bedtime]: 10 if i have school
F i N A L Q U E S T i O N S
[i love]: the beach
[i miss]: byc (but its sooo soon i cant wait)
[i need to]: go to beddd