Sep 16, 2005 21:15
Ask me one question, anonymously, that I must answer..
i stole that from kim. thanks kim =D
and one of these cause im cool..
X. Starting time: 915
X. Name: olivia
X. Nicknames: liv, olive..thats it
X. School: RCHS!
X. Eyes: brown
X. Height: 5'5
X. Siblings: older sister
X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: ha yeah
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: what
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: no
X. Kept a secret from everyone: yeah ive done it a couple times for a while, but i eventually end up telling people though
X. Had an imaginary friend?: when i was like 5
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend: heck yess
X. Cried during a Flick:yeah. a lot of those.
X. Had a crush on a teacher: uh huh
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot: that guy in fern gully. and the beast once he wasnt a beast anymore.
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: nope before my time
X. Prank called someone: yes
X. Been on stage: uh huh
X. Shampoo: brilliant brunette
X. Colors: pink and green
X. Day/Night: night
X. Summer/Winter: Summer its my favorite season everr
X. Online Smiley: the one with the sunglasses is HOT
X. Like anyone: lots of people
X. Known the longest of your friends: emily and courtney
X. Name your best friend(s): emily and allison and laura and alot of them are changing because they go to enloe..sad day. but IM COMING! dont worry. see you sophmore year biotches
X. Who's the loudest: shapooo
X. Who's the shyest: hm. allison
X. Who do you go to for advice: all of them
X. Who do you cry with: pretty much which ever one is there, or who knows about the problem
----------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------
X. Cried: no
X. Cut your hair: yes
X. Worn a skirt: yes
X. Been mean: not really no
X. Been sarcastic: probably
X. Missed someone: yes
X. Hugged someone: yep
X. Fought with your parents: no
X. Wished upon a star: haha no
X. Laughed until you cried: yeah
X. Played Truth or Dare: nope
X. Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
X. Went to the beach at night: no i wish though. i love the beach so much.
X. Read a book for fun: haha noo
X. Ate a meal: of course not
X. Are you lonely?: no
X. Are you happy: heck yes
X. Are you talking to someone online: no
------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----
X. God/Devil: yeah
X. Love: yep
X. The Closet Monster: no
X. The Big Bang Theory?: i think so
X. Heaven/Hell: yeah
X. Superstitions: used to
X. What is your full name? Olivia Taylor Curran
X. Who named you?: my mommmie and my daddie
X. Backstreet Boys or N Sync? backstreet boys!! i love them. brian was my favorite
X. When was the last time you showered? this morning before school
X. What was the last thing that you said online? good
X. What is right next to you?: a cup and a phone
X. What is your computer desk made of? jello. <--haha emily mays.
X. What was the last thing that you ate? frozen pizza bitch. still frozen of course.
X. What is your favorite state?: california
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: dunno
X. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: someone cool that i like
X. How many buddies do you have on your list: an assload.
X. How's the weather right now?: your mom
X. What did you do last night?: nothing because today was a flex day so we didnt have anything due today so i just chilled and talked to people.
X. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? hm. i dont know.
X. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: doesnt matter as long as theyve got good hair
X. Pizza or ice cream? ice cream duhhhhh
X. How do YOU eat an Oreo? however i want to gosh.
X. Dream car? bmw convertable
X. What do you want to be when you grow up? my dream job is like to dance in a company, or be a designer. but interior desinger would be cool too i think
X. What are your future goals?: go to college, get married, have kids, have a good job, have a bajillion friends still when im older
X. Favorite music?: i like almost everything, rchp are pretty good too =D
X. Least favorite time of the year: winter <--ysss i hate it
X. Fast or slow?: fast
X. Did you notice that number 90 was missing?: wtf there arent numbers
X. If you could change your name, what would it be?: i like my name thank you
X. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope
X. Have you ever been in love? i dont think so
X. What will your first son's name be?: matthew
X. Favorite drink?: Dr.Pepper
X. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: both i love
X. Lust or Love?: depends on my mood and who it is
X. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: uhyeah.
X. Do you want your friends to do this survey?: whatevs
X. When's your birthday? march 6
X. How old will u be?: 15 biotch.
X. Time done? 9:34