It was really cool to see Deval Patrick yesterday. As a staff member of the
MMA, I frequently get to see the local, small governments doing things, but less frequently get to see state government at work.
He suggested strongly that local governments in MA join the
GIC, which would put one section of my company out of business, essentially, however it would also save Municipal governments money they could use to fill budget holes. He also advocated for increasing the # of police officers on the streets, and he said he would moderately increase local aid. He was very complementary towards Tim Murray and named the Murray as liason for the local officials, but didn't exempt himself (how could he?) - he said he would meet with them quarterly or as needed...
Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the whole speech and had to sneak out early since I had to work on another business meeting in the adjacent room. Anyhow, before Patrick gave his speech, he was introduced by Menino (totally underwhelming) as well as the Lt. Gov. Tim Murray. They referenced "Together we can" many times in their introductions.
Anyhow, it felt cool to be part of something on the world stage and although we are supposed to be a "non-partisan" organization, it was particularly cool to be around for a MA gov. that belongs to my party - and 90% of the employees' party.