I was so going to do it this past weekend, but, again with the forgetful thing. And today was so going to be about cleaning my apartment and stuff. But now, omg. Stress. My assignment is so hard. I can't find any source material to use. :((
Note to self: do not ever go back to school. You are spoiled and will suck at the homework thing.
I *completely* lucked out. My assignment kicked all sorts of ass. I kept putting it off cuz I wanted to make OZ icons which was killing me. But when I started it, it was great. (Better shut up now cuz I almost gave away how many icons I did and all that stuff)
You procrastinate, I talk too much. We all have our crosses to bear.
LOL, I know! I'm completely transparent when it comes to icons and other such graphics..honestly, it's cuz I have no imagination. I learn bits and pieces but I usually go back to what I know. It sucks. I've been studying tutorials and such trying to pick up new tricks but..*shrug* I try at least, LOL.
I was so going to do it this past weekend, but, again with the forgetful thing. And today was so going to be about cleaning my apartment and stuff. But now, omg. Stress. My assignment is so hard. I can't find any source material to use. :((
Note to self: do not ever go back to school. You are spoiled and will suck at the homework thing.
You procrastinate, I talk too much. We all have our crosses to bear.
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