Apr 20, 2004 13:25
I don't have a real lot to say today, but, I'm bored, so I figured i'd update anyhow. sorry guys, this is gonna be a boring one. but, if youre still reading, i guess youre used to it...? alright, so anyhow.
I don't have anything to do today, so, if anyone wants to hang out, let me know!
oh yeah, ive known how much car insurance costs, but, i just really realized how much it was, really. its terrible, and should not cost that much. so, ive been pretty aggravated with that today, its so dismal....ARG. (couldnt help it...) but, i still want the car. hopefully, ill get it in the next week!!
i'm just sittin here eating chocolate from easter still... and oddly enough, i dont really like chocolate recently...im not sure WHAT is goin on with that.
I went to brenian's house last night, which was way cool. hes (youre, if you read this....)so fun! For the katie/amanda crew...i watched anime.... yeah, im not even kidding either. its not so bad. but, that doesnt mean im obsessed with it or close, so you know. but the little white things with wiggly heads WERE pretty darn awesome!
How many days til graduation now? 38, was the last i heard....? (not including weekends) but, sheesh, thats so crazy, im so so excited!
OK, have a nice day!
heres part of the song i was listening to before, cause its cool:
"So we're drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin coca-coca-cola i can fee it rollin right on down oh right on down my throat."
and, :
"i just got a message that said, "yeah hell is freezin over" i got a phone call from the lord sayin, "hey boy git a sweater. right now""
haha, i like the cd, thanks dude...dont worry, youll get it back
oh yes! Jessica is way cool....she brought me back part of the ocean for me!! thanks, its so wonderful. it came in very handy, cause i got thirsty walkin home today....just kiddin...icky. i love my ocean water!