Feb 25, 2010 10:48
* Basically anyone, everyone, whoever wants to. Their version of explaining the ten years to get to grimdark future from regular future.*
"I thought the Xavier Institute would save my future... a place we could be safe to be ourselves, it never dawned on me how childish that idea was, or how badly things could go wrong. Eight years ago Baelheit managed to turn over the government, everything America stood for pushed aside for the protection of humans. Everyone's words that there was nothing he could do to us, the government wouldn't let him, what a sick joke. Wasn't long after that he came out in full force, he'd been building an army for some time.
We thought the robots were the worst of it. Strong, fast, durable, but then the cyborgs came. Each one used to be a mutant, one of us, twisted into something inhuman. The school was one of the first places to fall, even if we were gone from there it still hurt to see the mansion destroyed. The few people that remained there killed, Xavier and Norman stayed behind. It was their home and they wouldn't be driven away so easily. After that point every day we get reports of the world getting worse, that was until the news was taken over by Baelheit. Without the news we have no way of knowing who is alive or dead, outside of the people we have.
A former superpower in the world turned into a war torn wasteland in eight years. Most people aren't human anymore, not fully. Everyone is a bit machine, the price of battle I guess. Most major population centers look like something outta a disaster flick, landmarks are either monuments to Baelheit or rubble. When Cap died the rallying cry in his name was to bring back the land of freedom, and bring back the home of bravery...
I think they died with Cap. I'm not the only one that thinks that too..."
!!!grimdark future