This is much needed.

Dec 05, 2006 06:33

"Creative Cropping", or "How To Crop Properly". I am beginning to get annoyed with those. We are making a fucking one hundred pixel by one hundred pixel icon for fun. These itty things are not going to guarantee acceptance into Harvard, so what is the big fucking deal?

I'll tell you. As an 'outsider' (ie. I'm not well-known/"popular" in the iconing community) I have been able to watch from the sidelines as some of the nastiest things have gone down. From all out flame-wars over 'stolen' icons and 'stolen' ideas... I am beginning to think that we no longer are meant to live amongst each other. If there were guns on the internet, no doubt, people would kill over these small, squared things. And for what?

I will be the first to admit that at one point, I would flame and trash anyone that "stole" my art work, because really, it's your art. But I mean, look at us: we use celebrity images, stock photos, and how many times do we really credit our sources or remember to make note of where everything came from? How many times have we gotten upset over thieves to the point where we've gone off of our rocker?

I am not saying anyone is right or wrong, but please, for the love of the internet, just stop bitching and moaning if someone "took" an icon of yours. You didn't create the original source (unless you're sekritly a paparazzi on odd-numbered days) and half of the time you didn't create the brush/texture/whatever. If you feel as if you aren't getting enough credit/recognition for "your" work, then just stop making icons all together. Or better yet, don't post them online at all.

I am so sick of seeing attention getters closing down their communities/graphic/icon journals because of thieves. Hotlinkers, I can understand, but only if you're paying for your damn hosting. It's your dime they're stealing, I can understand that. Or hell, if you iconed something you made (drawing, photo, etc) and it was swiped, yeah, I would get a little miffed but it is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, so grow up, take your head out of your goddamned ass and take a look around you.

This world is already filled with hate and war, why start another over something as tiny as a fucking LiveJournal icon? (Most of) You are adults now, so act like it.

Discuss. Any attacks to single persons will be deleted.

*This rant has been brought to you by an annoyed graphic designer, who would love nothing more than to shove every bitchy designer into a room and force them to kiss and makeout make up.


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