Oct 04, 2004 13:33
Part I of the Dictionary of Pez definitions:
Pezcado: the only-speak-my-own-name mermaid who finds love and her voice at Kenyon
Pezinator: the space something or other that goes on Calvin and Hobbes Spaceman Spiff type adventures
Pezilla: the Kluge consuming gelatinous monster currently residing at Exeter in a change from her usual haunting of the Dublin Opera house (does Dublin have an Opera house?)
Prez: the blue haired mastermind particularly skilled in Matrix-type posing and the Marth "poke"
"Ellen!": the mostly fruitless cry in a bid for punctuality
"Where's Whitney?": the eternal question concerning the N-block and former Bushnell resident
"I'm allergic to England!": Pezcado's newly learned phrase, usually uttered in between cries of distress at the oven and additions of either salt or sugar to her food and drink
"What's it doing, Precious?!": the current response to just about everything that goes wrong around here (courtesy of LOTR)
Prez pint: the scientific term for the ordering of double hobbit sized pints which are subsequently sipped at intervals and then left to the more ambitious drinking English types
Yorkie: the male chauvanist chocolate bar (which I've only ever seen girls eating, oddly enough...)
And now...Pezilla will go run and hide before she gets fangoriously devoured...
More definitions to come (I'd appreciate comments and suggestions in place of fangorious devourment)!