Aug 05, 2010 17:39
nude paintings of American presidents
Some books Sontag refers to in Reborn, also to read:
Origen, Contra Celsum
Pritchard, ANET
Morgan, The Hindu Way
Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism
Cornford, The Unwritten Philosophy
Jane Harrison, Themis
Nathanael West's Nightwood
Enid Welsford, The Fool
M. Willson Disher, Clowns and Pantomines
Kenneth Burke, Permanence and Change Attitudes Towards History
Antonia White, Frost in May
Herbert Read, The Green Child
Henry James, The Portrait of A Lady
*****Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain*******(Best translation by Maurice Betz?)
Andre Gide
Henry James, Notebooks, the Ambassadors, The Bostonians, Short Stories, Pricess Casamassima,Wings of the dove
Conrad, Portable
Cassirer: Essay on Man, Language and Myth
Hart Crane, Poems
Dewey, Art As Experience
Tar, Sherwood Anderson
The Island Within, Ludwig Lweisohn
Sanctuary, William Faulner
Esther Waters, George Moore
Diary of a Writer, Dostoyevsky
Against The Grain, Huysmans
The Disciple, Paul Bourget
Sanin, K=Mikhail Artsybashev
Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo
The Forste Saga, Galsworthy
The Egoist, Geroge Meredith
Diana of the Grossways "
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel "
David Shields course reading for future reference:
13411ENGL 581BLUETS NELSON14.00**1.40**requiredBOOK OF EMBRACESGALEANO15.95 12.00 1.601.20requiredBOOMERANGHANNAH22.00 *2.20*requiredCAMBODIAFAWCETT16.95**1.70**requiredESSAYS OF LEONARD MICHAELSMICHAELS15.00 *1.50*requiredFOR THE TIME BEINGDILLARD13.95**1.40**requiredHISTORY OF BOMBINGLINDQUVIST19.95*15.00 2.00*1.50requiredLETTER TO WENDYS WENDEROTH14.00 10.50 1.401.05requiredPHARMACISTS MATEFUSSELMAN16.00**1.60**requiredPLAINWATERCARSON14.00**1.40**requiredREALITY HUNGER : A MANIFESTOSHIELDS24.95 *2.50*requiredREPORT ON MYSELFBOUILLIER13.95 *1.40*requiredSLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE VONNEGUT15.00 11.25 1.501.13requiredTHE LOVERDURAS11.00**1.10**requiredTHIS IS NOT NOVELMARKSON15.00**1.50**requiredTWO KINDS OF DECAYMANGUSO14.00*10.50 1.40*1.05requiredUNQUIET GRAVECONNOLLY13.95**1.40**requiredWITHIN CONTEXT OF NO CONTEXTTROW