(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 00:06

i have been a manager for seven years. that may not seem like long, but, you have to hold into account that i am only twenty-five. now, that seems like forever. i became a manager at my first job after only three months and i have not looked back. i spent many years as an assistant manager for a movie theatre (my first job), two years as a general manager for a fast food company and now, i am a department head for a private restaurant.

after was seems like a tenure of management experience, i still get a twisting feeling in my stomach when i have to fire somebody.

does it ever get easy?

i honestly hate to fire people, almost nothing hurts like telling someone his/her employment at your company has been terminated; even when someone deserves it!

i feel like i failed when i fire someone. i failed to save them. i feel like my schooling was a waste. all those management and business classes were for nothing.

i know there are some people that are just horrible employees and nothing i say or do will get them to act responsibly.

but still, i always feel like i have failed the employee.
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