bored at four fourteen am

Sep 26, 2005 04:14

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. restless arms and legs
2. very anal
3. i like to scratch my head often
4. i second guess everyone

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. rain
2. patchouli
3. the inside of my congas
4. fabric softner

Name Your Top Four TV Shows
1. monty python's flying circus
2. mystery science theatre
3. absolutely fabulous
4. reno 911
not in any order, just some of my favorites, oh and the shield!

Name Your Top Four Movies
1. gigot
2. the rutles
3. the godfather II
4. waiting for guffman
not in any order

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. i need to sleep
2. i really need to study for my phase one ops test tomorrow
3. i really need to concieve, shoot, develop and print a project by wednesday
4. i want to scratch my head

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. had rehearsal with hobo erotic
2. had great sex
3. went to visit the shimizus
4. sat in the rain looking at the lightning

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. iced tea
2. green tea
3. black tea
4. water

First Grade Teacher's Name?: ms. aldrich

Last Words You Said: punk

Last Song You Sang?: fried neckbones at rehearsal

Last Person You Hugged?: i do not remember

Last Thing You Laughed At?: miguel and i constantly laugh while working together

Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?: the other day to my niece

Last Time You Cried?: it has been quite a while

What's In Your CD Player?: some random traditional ska mix

What Color Socks Are You Wearing?: no socks

What's Under Your Bed?: carpet

What Time Did You Wake Up Today: i got off work early sunday morning (five fifteenish) and never fell asleep. i think i have been up for a few days

Current Taste?: warm saliva

Current Hair?: i keep my hair very short

Current Clothes?: boxers and an undershirt

Current Annoyance?: i cannot get to sleep

Current Longing? sleep

Current Worry?: not passing my phase 1 ops test and not finishing that photo project

Current Favorite Physical Features Of The Opposite Sex?: skin tone

Last CD You Bought?: i bought poncho sanchez's "do it" and the concord picante box set at the same time.

One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk to?: i would give anything and everything if i had the opportunity to just see bella

How Many Kids Do You Want?: none

Type a Line or 2 You Remember From Any Book: i go make chinleees dlink

A stupid lyric running through your head: none
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