Title - Christmas Cracker
Author -
softly_sweetlyRating - PG13
Word Count - ~310
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings/Kinks - Suggestion, Fluff
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - It's amazing what they put in crackers nowadays...!
Author's Notes - Told using prompt #71 Broken from my
lover100 table, which
can be found here Advent Drabble for
Closing the door on the last guest, Harry turned around and glared at Draco. "Why did you make such a performance over us not pulling that Christmas cracker?"
Draco coloured up and shook his head. "Trust me, you wouldn't have wanted to open it in front of everyone. I didn't think Rose would go through our drawers!"
"She's three, that's what she does. Why you hid a cracker in a child-accessible drawer I don't know."
"Because it was the drawer with the household potions in, and you never go in there!"
Harry bristled, pushing past Draco to begin clearing the table. By the time he'd set the washing charms going he was shattered, and wanted nothing more than his bed.
"Do you want to pull it?"
Glowering, Harry tried and failed to stay mad at Draco. Taking one end of the large cracker Draco was holding, Harry was surprised by how big and heavy it was. "What on earth is in here?"
"A surprise present."
Rolling his eyes - Draco could be bloody annoying with his sneakiness - Harry pulled his end of the cracker. And though it made a satisfying bang and the shell broke, no toy flew up into the air. Intrigued, Harry pulled his end of the cracker harder, making it slide off the toy inside. And what a toy it was. Harry wrapped his fingers around the green silicone and pulled the toy away from Draco's half of the cracker shell. It was the most magnificent double dildo Harry had ever seen, and he realised just why Draco had been desperate to hide the cracker away again; they'd have never been able to explain this landing on Molly's dinner plate.
"Merry Christmas."
No longer tired, Harry ran his hand over the dildo and smirked. "It will be. Shall we go and play with our toy?"
"I thought you'd never ask!"