Title: Metaphysical Musings. Or, How Ron Got His Lube
Author -
softly_sweetlyBeta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~300
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Ron
Warnings - Fluff
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - A potion goes wrong, almost giving them away
Author's Notes - Written for the anonymous ficlet challenge over at
harry_and_ron. Counts to prompt #6 Flirt of my
mission_insane Genre Table: Fluff Boom.
Four letters. Two vowels. And one hell of a noise.
Lying back on the floor, Ron looked up at the white ceiling and tried to work out if he was dead. Luckily, his limbs were moving under his will, so he reasoned he was still alive. Or being tormented by some psychic demons.
Harry's voice sounded muffled and far away. Maybe Ron was dead. Except, the white ceiling didn't look so white anymore. It looked more like wood, obscured by smoke.
The word clearer now, as the ringing in Ron's ears began to fade. Clearly not the bells of Heaven, then.
Now his mother's voice was clear as crystal, and Ron decided it was time to stop wallowing in metaphysical considerations, and sit up. "Ow."
"Ow indeed! What have you done to my barn?"
"We were brewing..." At that, Ron faltered. He and Harry had snuck into the barn to brew a fancy-looking lubricant, and the sneaking part of the plan had been necessary; neither one of them felt the time was right to announce their relationship to the wider world. After the fracas of the war, it was nice just to enjoy each others' company without everyone else clamouring for their attention. "We were brewing... a new cleaning potion for you. It was supposed to be a surprise. Magdalena Magificosa recommends it!"
The name of her favourite famous House Witch calmed his mum, and with a muttered threat about them cleaning up, she bustled out of the barn again.
"Close call. Are you all right, Ron?"
"Yeah, fine. But our sex life isn't; I used the last of the lube this morning."
Ron fell in love all over again when Harry smirked.
"Lucky I went shopping then, isn't it?!"