Happy Belated Birthday, cassie_black12!

May 19, 2009 17:17

Title: Anticipation
Author: softly_sweetly
Beta: None, mistakes are mine alone
Pairing: Severus/Harry/Scorpius
Length: ~270
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are the property of J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this piece of fanfiction.
Warnings: Threesome, Professor!fic, Scorpius is 18
Summary: A sunny afternoon had never felt so long
Author Notes: Counts to prompt #67 Limits from my 100quills Next Generation Table and Day 19 over at mmom

Happy belated birthday, cassie_black12

Scorpius shifted in the bed, sliding onto the other side and groaning at the feeling of the cool sheets on his back. After months of flirting, preening, teasing and doing everything he could to make his two professors notice him, they finally had.

Scorpius trailed his fingers down his chest, blazing a path as he stroked his cock slowly. He could still feel the path Severus' eyes had taken as they looked him up and down, glittering and hungry. He could still smell the clean mint shampoo Harry used from when the older man had been stood behind him, as close as possible without touching. The glorious moment before they invited him to bed.

Moving his hand faster, Scorpius bit down on his lip, fingers playing with his nipples. He wondered how it would go tonight. Would it be slow and awkward, none of them knowing what to say, Harry and Severus perhaps regretting letting him in to begin with? Or would it be hard and fast, both men jumping in to pushing his limits the moment he stepped through their door?

That thought more than anything pushed Scorpius to the edge. The image of being on his knees between them, of finally getting to touch and taste something he'd wanted for longer than he could remember. The knowledge that this evening he'd walk through their door not as a student seeking help, the guise he'd used so often before, but as a willing plaything, a third to their fun.

Arching up off the bed, the one thought that carried Scorpius through his orgasm was that a sunny afternoon had never felt so long.

mmom, best wishes, 100quills, gift!fic, birthday, next!gen, hp/sm/ss, fic, hp-verse, next generation 100.4 (softly_sweetly)

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