Title - Strike A Pose
Author -
softly_sweetlyBeta - None
Rating - PG13
Word Count - 3 x 100
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Scorpius
Warnings - Slash, Cross!gen, Fluff
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - People can be so rude, and Scorpius has had enough
Author's Notes - Counts to prompt #12 Despair from my
100quills Harry/Scorpius Table, Challenge #14 Promise over at
harryscorp100, and Day 14 at
mmom There was nothing like a leisurely wank after a long day at work, and as he sank lower into the hot bath, Harry let the stresses of the day wash out of him.
Jumping, Harry sat up and turned towards the open bathroom door. "Score, that you?"
"Bloody fucking meddlesome sods!"
His lover didn't sound happy-Harry knew it was budget time at the hospital-and perhaps Scorpius had been told he couldn't have whatever new diagnostic tool had caught his fancy this months. Hauling himself out of the bath, Harry resigned himself to an evening spent consoling Scorpius.
Despair coloured Scorpius' voice as he paced the kitchen, that caught up in his ire that he wasn't taking advantage of Harry in nothing but a towel. "And then, the bloody woman says that me and you are icky. Icky! What kind of a word is that, let alone having the cheek to say it to my face."
Harry made a sympathetic noise and drained his beer, reaching for another. "Don't let it get you down."
"No, bloody witches thinking that because you're in the public eye they can pass judgement. I should have left her foot to rot off!"
Turning to spoon around Scorpius, Harry pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "You knew we'd never be the most popular pairing, Score."
"Yes, but telling me to my face that you disapprove of my relationship, while I'm Healing you, is just rude."
"People are rude. Let it pass you by."
Scorpius rolled over, wearing a cheeky grin. "You know what I think?"
"We should send a few choice pictures into the Prophet, and get people off our backs once and for all!"
Laughing, Harry rolled on top of Scorpius. "That's definitely one solution. Let's get striking some poses!"