Title - Morning Musings
Author -
softly_sweetlyBeta - None, mistake are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - 100
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Scorpius
Warnings - Slash, Cross!gen
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - He'd never been happier
Author's Notes - Counts to prompt #42 Friendship from my
100quills Harry/Scorpius Table and Challenge #11 Deliberate over at
harryscorp100 For
piratesmile331 ♥
Reaching over gently, Scorpius pushed the hair off Harry's forehead, exposing his silvery scar to the early morning sun. The insomnia that had plagued his youth was settled by Harry's presence in his bed, but Scorpius still woke earlier than his lover most mornings.
Settling back against the pillows, Scorpius smiled. His lover. He couldn't remember when their friendship, their easy camaraderie over work at St. Mungo's, had turned into meals out and nights in, or even if it had been deliberate. But somehow, it had happened, and he'd never been happier.
Smiling, he leant over to kiss Harry awake.