Fic: 'Caught Out' DM/HW, RW NC17

Mar 19, 2009 08:44

Title: Caught Out
Author: softly_sweetly
Beta: nolagal
Pairing: Draco/Hugo, Ron
Length: ~1,200
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are the property of J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this piece of fanfiction.
Warnings: Slash, Sex, Rimming, a little angsty
Summary: Ron sees something he shouldn't
Author Notes: Counts to prompt #34 Disturbed from my 100quills Next Generation Table

For autumn_veela

Draco had always maintained that red hair was a sign of poor breeding. But somehow it looked much more palatable in tight little curls around a thick red cock. Pushing his hands against pale hips, Draco took the cock further into his mouth, sliding down the length to bury his nose in the red curls.


Hugo was tight and wiry, with surprising strength behind each limb. Not wanting to be bucked off, Draco sucked his way back up Hugo's cock, and licked the tip teasingly. "Yes?"

Hugo had bumbled into Draco's office almost a year ago, fresh out of Hogwarts and still wet behind the ears. He'd inherited his father's height and frightening lack of dexterity, and his late mother's brains. Draco still wouldn't have given him the apprenticeship, but the decision was not Draco's. Draco merely had to train up whichever imbecile they sent him.

Except, Hugo wasn't an imbecile. Hugo was an effective argument for the existence of the Weasley family. Hugo got under Draco's skin and stayed there, ever-present without being annoying, and always on Draco's mind.

"I want you."

Like his mother, and his father if the mutterings from the Auror Department were to be believed, Hugo was pushy. He'd said the same three words within three months of being in Draco's office, and Draco hadn't been able to refuse.

Grazing his teeth over Hugo's hip, Draco twirled his tongue in Hugo's navel, making the younger man laugh and twitch. Kissing and nipping his way up Hugo's body, Draco paused to bite at Hugo's nipples, sucking on the peaked flesh and denting it with his teeth. "Like this?"

Looking up, Draco saw Hugo shaking his head, and smirked. They had the house to themselves, and Draco was certain that the couch in Hugo's lounge needed to see some action. Coaxing Hugo up, Draco lay down on the sofa and propped his head up on the cushions. Just by pushing and pulling at Hugo's body, Draco got the younger man over him, top to tail.

Ever the quick study, Hugo wrapped his lips around Draco's cock, and Draco enjoyed the suction for a minute, bucking his hips up slightly to coax Hugo to suck harder, faster. When Hugo raised the stakes by rubbing the sensitive skin behind Draco's sac, fingers drifting teasingly lower to flutter over Draco's entrance, Draco raised his own hands and set to work.

Holding Hugo's buttocks apart, Draco tipped his chin down and poked his tongue out, tracing all around the furled rim in a single swipe. He felt Hugo tremble, and did it again. Moving his head with Hugo's thrusting, strangely aroused by the sensation of Hugo's cock sliding over his chest, Draco licked and sucked as Hugo did the same, matching each other stroke for stroke, daring each other to go faster.

Sliding one finger into Hugo's arse, Draco slid his other hand down, groping about for Hugo's mop of hair. Wrapping his fingers in the red strands, Draco held Hugo's head in place, rolling his hips up faster as he felt his orgasm building. The hint of rough treatment was enough for Hugo, and Draco growled as wet warmth spread over his chest, Hugo's prick bouncing against his skin. Still fucking Hugo with his tongue and his finger, Draco was so close to the edge when the door swung open and a bag of shopping crashed to the floor, the jars within shattering on the laminate wood.

Draco saw Ron, and he wanted to stop. But Hugo saw Ron too, and his throat tightened in surprise and shock. It was too much for Draco, and he couldn't stop himself pouring down Hugo's throat in messy strands. The final few drops were still dribbling from his slit, even as he swung around on the sofa, grabbing a cushion to protect his modesty as Hugo did the same.

Hugo began to speak, but it dissolved into a fit of coughing; Draco knew just how bad that looked, Hugo choking on his come.

"What the hell is going on?" Ron sounded more confused than anything else, and Draco could sympathise with that - it wasn't every day you came home to find your son fucking a man your age.

"Dad, I can explain…"

"What the hell did you do to my son?!" Ron had clearly made a decision, and Draco wished he hadn't kicked his trousers off in the hallway, his wand in the pocket. Because Ron's wand was long and thick and pointing straight at him.

"Dad, listen…"

"Get behind me, Hugo. I'll have you in shackles for this, Malfoy, you fucking pervert."

"Hugo is perfectly consenting," Draco began, wondering how he would talk his way out of this.

"Hugo is nineteen!" Ron bellowed, freckles practically invisible as his face went red with rage. Draco had spoken to Hugo, briefly, about telling Ron, and they had both decided to wait a little longer before they made any announcements. Being caught tongue-deep in Hugo's arse, fucking his throat open, had not been on Draco's top-hundred list of ways to break the news.

"Please, Dad," Hugo tried again, and Draco couldn't help but notice that Hugo was edging in front of him. "I'm sorry; I didn’t want you to find out like this. Draco and I…"

"Draco? This is your boss!"

"I know, Dad, and…"

"And what? Did he tell you that you had to do this to pass the apprenticeship? Hugo, you don’t have to do anything with this filthy old man!" Ron spat each word at Draco, wand still pointing in Draco's direction.

Standing up, Draco held out his hand and gestured at himself. "At least let us dress."

"Don't want to be naked when you get to Azkaban?" Ron snapped, but he did step back a little.

Draco Summoned his clothes and pulled on his trousers and shirt, watching Hugo do the same. "Ron, I'm sure this is a surprise, but…"

"I love him, Dad."

The words were clearly a shock to all three men, and Draco stared at Hugo in surprise. The words had an impact on Ron, and Draco couldn't help but feel bad as he watched Ron's face fall, watched Ron's wand drop to the floor as his fingers went slack. "You… but… he's my age, Hugo!"

"I know, Dad. I'm sorry, we didn’t want to tell you like this."

Shaking his head, Ron stared from Hugo to Draco and back again, face now devoid of all colour. Refusal and pain laced through his voice as he started backing out of the living room. "No. Just… no."


Against his better judgement, Draco had acquiesced to Hugo, leaving the house and leaving Ron in Hugo's hands. As soon as he'd returned home, Draco had started pacing, and the rug was practically bare before Hugo tripped out of the Floo, looking pale and shaken. "What happened, are you okay?"

Hugo shrugged, looking as far from okay as Draco had ever seen him. "He said to leave you or leave the house."

"Shit." Draco reached out and wrapped his arms around Hugo, prompting him on. "So?"

Hugo sighed, voice laden with sadness as he answered, "So, I need somewhere to stay tonight."

Building Bridges

rw, 100quills, gift!fic, next!gen, fic, hp-verse, next generation 100.4 (softly_sweetly), dm/hw

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