Title - Devil's Snare
Author -
softly_sweetlyBeta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~320
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, Fluff
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Any particular reason your parents have a medieval torture device?
Author's Notes - Written for
slythindor100's Monday Fun Tagging Game (sorry, I'm late).
restunwritten prompted me with Any particular reason your parents have a medieval torture device?
For next week I tag
kcstories with the prompt Ooops, I did it again!
"Any particular reason your parents have a medieval torture device?" Harry asked, trying to keep his voice calm.
"Oh, you know, same reason we have the good china; just in case we need to use it." Draco answered airily, as though they weren't in Malfoy Dungeons doing an inventory of his parents' belongings, a condition of Lucius' probationary sentence. "Have you got pear of anguish on your list, or shall I put it on mine?"
Harry's body tensed and he dropped the contraption like it had burned him. "Uhm… you put it on your list. I'm going to go and do the conservatory."
"Be careful," Draco muttered absently, and Harry rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's back. Compared to the dungeons, the conservatory would be a breeze. Grabbing his wand, he scrambled up the stairs and hoped that he wouldn't run into Lucius and have to exchange small-talk.
"Draco, darling?"
"Yes Mother?"
"Are you nearly finished in the dungeons? Only, your father says that Harry could use some assistance."
If his mother hadn't brought up his father, Draco would have left Harry to his own devices. But if his father was involved, Draco found it was always best for his presence to act as a mediating force on the two men he loved.
Brushing off his trousers, Draco climbed the stairs back into the main hallway and turned left, checking this year's list against last years as he walked to the conservatory. "Honestly Harry, you can't even catalogue plants on your own!"
When no answer came, Draco looked up from his lists. "Shit!"
"Draco, language!" His father barked at him.
Ducking his head in apology, Draco ignored the way his father was sat in a chair with a glass of lemonade, watching the show, and focused on disentangling Harry from the Devil's Snare his mother insisted on growing. "Honestly, Harry. I said to be careful!"