Ficlet: 'Of Daughters and Nifflers' HP, LP

Jan 11, 2009 14:22

* hp_rarities is looking set to be a blinding fest! There's still plenty of time for you to go and sign up... you know you want to! *tempts*

* Those essays? FINISHED but for the proofing *sighs* *\o/*

Title - Of Daughters and Nifflers
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - marguerite_26
Rating - G
Word Count - ~630
Characters/Pairings - Harry, Ginny, Lily
Warnings - Genfic, Fluff
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter
Author's Notes - Written for prompt #10 Love of my mission_insane Genre Table: Fluff

"Then your bloody father can deal with you!"

Harry winced, hanging his cloak on the hook and looking up in time to see Ginny storming down the stairs, a basket of washing jammed under her arm. "Hey, Gin."

"That child of yours is impossible!"

Harry nodded soothingly - the kids were always his when they were misbehaving - and took the washing basket out of Ginny's grip. "I'll do that later; go and have a glass of wine, and I'll come and make the dinner in a little while."

Ginny groaned, but nodded slowly. "Just talk some sense into her, Harry."

Setting the washing to the side, Harry trudged up the stairs and knocked on Lily's door. The boys had been troublemakers, but they'd never had that problem with Lily. Harry suspected a lot of Ginny's ire was at the realisation she was old enough to have three grown children, and at the knowledge that in two short years Lily would be of age and not their baby girl anymore. "What's up, Lils?"

"It's only for a month!"

"What is?" Harry asked, sitting down and showing no reaction to the topic jump. His daughter had picked up tangenting thoughts from him, and he could follow them with ease where Ginny and the boys would just get exasperated. Making himself comfortable on her bed, Harry held out his arms and smiled when Lily moved to cuddle against him. She was still his, for now.

"There's an exchange program I want to go on this summer, and Mum's being a bitch about it."

"Lils, don't say that," Harry paused, waiting until Lily apologised quietly before he continued. "What is the program?"

"It's with N.U.T.S.," Harry bit down a snigger at the acronym of Lily's current favourite charity, the Nifflers Under Threat Society, which had given he and Ginny many a giggle as they remembered their own teenage dalliances with bad acronyms and impassioned girls. "It's so horrible, Dad. These awful wizards capture Nifflers and use them to find the gold that Grindelwald was supposed to have hidden in the Himalayas. But the climate is really bad for the Nifflers, and when they get sick the wizards just break their necks and cook them!"

Harry couldn't think of anything less appetising than Niffler, but he held back that thought to try and look as concerned as Lily obviously was. "Well, clearly, that's unacceptable. But perhaps charging out there with your wand firing isn't the best way to combat the problem?"

"The Asian Wizengamot aren't doing anything!"

Harry could believe that; he'd had to deal with them for the Quidditch World Cup protection detail two years ago, and remembered it as a thoroughly stilted affair. "Well, let me see if I can shake anything loose before you go shooting off to the other side of the world. What happened to taking an internship at the Ministry this summer?"

Lily shrugged, twirling her fingers around the tie on Harry's robes and relaxing against him. "I dunno."

"All right. Well, let's make sure the Nifflers really need your help before you start up your brooms. In the meantime, you can come downstairs and help me with dinner."

"Can't Al do it?"

"Do you want to eat his cooking?" Lily pulled a face, and Harry laughed gently. "Precisely. Now come on, and you can apologise to your Mum while I get changed."

Listening to Lily bound off to apologise to her Mum, Harry glanced over the pamphlets for N.U.T.S. that were spread out over her dresser. When his little girl had got so grown up, he didn't know, but Harry offered up a quiet prayer that she'd stay his for a little longer yet. He wasn't ready to let her out into the world, Nifflers in need be damned.

lp, mission_insane, hp, gw, next!gen, fic, softly_sweetly:harry potter:general, hp-verse, gen!fic

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