Drabble: 'Sandcastles' HP/DM PG13

May 05, 2008 15:48

Title - Sandcastles
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~430
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, Fluff, Suggestion
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Draco accompanies Harry as Harry lives out a childhood dream
Author's Notes - I was tagged by iwantasoda with the prompt Well, that was an epic failure

Draco really hadn't wanted to come to the beach. It wasn't so much the idea of it - two weeks of sun, sand and sex on the Malfoy private island sounded like bliss. It was more the beach in question. Draco knew that Harry liked doing the things he'd missed out on as a child, and for the most part Draco enjoyed indulging Harry, seeing his face light up with childish glee at the simplest things.

No, Draco's problem was more to do with the beach itself.

"Harry, why Blackpool beach? It's so… full of Muggles!"

Harry paused in putting sand in his bucket, and grinned at Draco. "I know, it's brilliant! Everyone has to come to Blackpool beach at least once in their life. We can wait until the tide goes out and then go and get chips, and sit and eat them on the pier. Then there's the lights, and the amusement park… you'll love the rides!"

"Heaven knows what disease I'd catch from a ride around here," Draco sneered at the sand in distaste.

"There's too many Muggles around for that kind of ride; we'll save that until we're back in the hotel room and we can put my rock lollies to good use."

Draco rolled his eyes, but smiled affectionately at Harry. As they'd been perusing the cheap and tacky shops that morning, they'd come across the rock shop and decided to buy souvenirs for their friends and family. They'd both seen the penis-shaped rock lollies at the same time, and swapped a look before reaching out to get a packet.

Raising his hand to his eyes, to shield them from the sun, Draco watched in quiet interest as Harry grabbed the green castle-shaped bucket and flipped it upside down quickly. The little red spade was picked up and banged enthusiastically on the top of the bucket, and Draco smiled encouragingly when Harry took the sides of the bucket and pulled it off with a flourish.

Both of them watched the sand quiver for a moment before collapsing into a shapeless mound, and as Harry's face fell, Draco commented dryly, "Well, that was an epic failure."

"Shut up! You couldn't do better!"

Casting a surreptitious glance around, Draco grabbed his wand from their beach bag and cast a quick Disillusionment charm, before pointing his wand at the mound of sand and turning it into a beautifully detailed, scaled replica of Hogwarts Castle. Harry pouted at him.

"Show off."

"Just because you didn't think of it first, no need to be catty. Now, I believe you mentioned chips?"

For next week, I tag khateh with the prompt of I think sex is overrated

hp/dm: drabble, double entendre fun, hp/dm, fic, hp-verse

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