Drabble: 'Dirty Knees' HP/RW NC17

Apr 13, 2008 06:50

Title - The Adventures of Scarhead and Weasel - Dirty Knees
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - NC17
Word Count - 202
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Ron
Warnings - Slash, Outdoors!Sex, Rimming
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Harry and Ron indulge in some gardening on their day off.
Author's Notes - This is told using prompt 40 from my 100quills table, which can be found here. While each story falls in the same verse, each can be read as a standalone fic/drabble.

Other stories in this verse can be found here

Harry cried out, almost biting the head off a daisy as he clenched his teeth and pushed his hips back against Ron. His boyfriend had taken him by surprise, Vanishing Harry's worn jeans and paint-streaked tee shirt as he knelt by the flowerbeds and pulled up weeds, and before Harry had been able to ask, Ron's tongue had been fucking him open.

So here he was, knelt on the grass and desperately grateful for the charms on Number Twelve as he sprawled in the late September sunshine and whined like a kneazle in heat. The long grass swept over the leaking head of his cock every time Harry moved, and Ron's thumbs were pulling against his wrinkled muscle even as his tongue pulled away.

"Like this?"

Gasping, Harry couldn't find words, just nodded fervently. He soon found his voice again when Ron sank into him. Crying out, Harry's back bowed as he threw his head back and pushed back into Ron. Strong teeth sank into his neck, worrying the flexing tendons as Ron's bony hips jabbed into his buttocks. Dirt and grass collected between his clenching fingers, and Harry locked eyes with a shocked starling as Ron drove him into screaming oblivion.

hp/rw: adventures of scarhead and weasel, harry/ron 50.2 (softly_sweetly), hp, hp/rw, 100quills, fic, drabble

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