Nov 27, 2006 01:32
I wish I knew what to do to make everything okay for him. I know that impossible, because he'll never be "okay". Well not that I know of at least. I really hate seeing him down and out though. Today, that seems like the mood he's been in. Except when he dropped me off for work. He seemed rather upbeat then. Maybe I worry to much about him? I don't know. I just wish I could fix EVERYTHING for him. Heh, I can barely fix things with me though. Why would he even want me to try to fix things? I love him so much. It hurts when he's hurt. It's depressing when he's depressed. It's like I feel (maybe not to the exact extent) what he's feeling when he's feeling it. Sounds stupid, I know. Every couple says it, but I don't think every couple is on the same level as us. I'm not saying we're better than anyone else. I'm just saying we're a rare couple. A couple that is actually in love. Not lust. Not just settling. We're together because we're perfect together. I just want life to be perfect for him. You know, as perfect as he makes my life. Anyways, that dogs are done eating now, and I'm in the middle of Thanksgiving left overs. I really don't even know why I posted this. I guess I just felt like I needed to "vent" if that's what you'd call this. Peace love and hair grease.