There is
a movie being filmed in the building where I work. They have all the doors blocked off. I had a panic attack trying to figure out how to get in. I had to call my supervisor inside and have her come out to get me. I spent the whole shift with chest pains and chills. Awesome.
During shift, I dragged someone else with me to figure out if we could get into the washroom. On our way there we had to walk by... wait for it... Eric Balfour! Highlight of my life.
Except, not at all.
I couldn't remember his name so I described him to everyone in the phone centre as "You know! The guy from the first episode of Six Feet Under who gets Lauren Ambrose to suck his toe!" Apparently that is not sufficient explanation. The rest of the night was filled with toe-sucking jokes and suggestions that I was completely insane.