Nov 01, 2005 00:31
I completely should be finishing my math article review at this you can see, it's being pushed off just a few more minuites.
The world seems to be going crazy ...people are stabbing for gas. As much as I could say that I'm taking it all in stride and realizing that rising gas prices are the least of my problems and the fact that I have a place to live that's not flooded makes me greatful, I cant. I panicked. I realized that if we run out of gas, I cant get to work. I cant walk, it's a 30-40 minuite drive. If I cant work, I cant live here. If I cant live here, I cant go to school. It's a cycle. Then, for whatever reasson I realized that if we run out of gas, we run out of gas. We'll figure something out. The world's not going to end. People are BONDING together to HEAL. What an amazing world we live in where people will throw everything aside to reach out to others they dont even know. Yes. There are bad things. But there are GOOD things...we cant forget the good things in the midst of bad. I think I'm bad about doing that, I tend to throw away all the good when I'm stressed about the bad. In all of my stressing out, I've come up with a few simple prases that sum up the world...
"God's Got it in control!"
"Why not?"
"RELAX!" (I think Jay says this to me 3 million times a day)
"It's going to be okay." (Another one he says quite often.)
"Just do it."
"One never know's what's going to happen tommorow--Do what you can today, sleep, wake up and do it all over again. Just take it day by day and if that's to much, take it moment by moment. Breath. Smile. Laugh. Most of all...Live in the moment and not in the panic of tommorow." --Dan