So this years New Years would have had to been the second most interesting NY’s I think I’ve ever had. All I remember is walking, walking and more walking.
So I decided to find out how far we walked, and try and find out the route we took. But this is pretty much it.
This is how we roolllll...
I went onto whereis and according to the site that was the best way of travelling by foot, which is the pinkish line. Then there is us.. the red line.. I’m not exactly sure how we got from Morphett road to Brighton but that is what it felt like so I left it like that.
Apparently thats like 6.44km, the easier way, but like always we some how find to do things the hard way, and for some reason i don't think it took us as long as 2 hours, but then again... i wasn't keeping time. That was only half of the adventure of the night. Really we should have just walked to my house..(where it says seacombe rd, around there ish) we got there eventually 8 in the morning...