well i just have no humor for the endless george w. bush is stupid jokes anymore. I mean he's fucking won a governship and two presidential elections, got a degree from yale, an mba from harvard, how fucking dumb is he? Dumb enough I guess to do all of that...which means I'm pretty fucking retarded.
if he was dumb, no one would consider him for presidency. i would think the jokes were funny whether i was completely for him or not. im not bashing the president in any way, it's just good clean humor.
you can get 9347923472983 degrees from whereverthefucksville and that does not deem you fit for presedency.. theres no class for that.. i bet if there was it would have been one thing bush wouldnt have passed. he won because who in their right mind would put kerry in the big chair? my vote will always be for reagan.. GO REAGAN!
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