Title: An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Part 10/15
softbluebuddy Pairing: Dean/Sam
Warning: Wincest
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: None
Word Count: 100
Part 1 is here:
SPN Drabble - An Offer He Can't Refuse - Part 1; Dean/Sam; R Links to each subsequent part at the bottom of each piece. This is complete. I will post one a day until all 15 are posted.
An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Part 10
Sam finished hard and sloppy. He had dumped a huge load of come into his big brother’s ass.
He loved that sloppy feeling of fucking his cock into Dean while it slid around in his own load of spunk.
Sam grabbed Dean’s head by the hair forcing him to watch.
“You like this? Gonna be my bitch and let me fuck you full of come whenever I want?”
Dean was completely overwhelmed with what was happening. He felt so good and safe and used all at the same time. But he couldn’t argue that he did want it.
“Yes. Please…”
SPN Drabble - An Offer He Can't Refuse - Part 11/15; Dean/Sam; NC-17 SPN Master Drabble Post