Wish A Little Wish; Dean/Sam; NC-17; Ch 4/4

Jul 24, 2008 08:26

Title: Wish A Little Wish Part 4/4
virtualpersonal   and   
Pairing: Dean/Sam of Supernatural; early season 3
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters are not ours, we’re just playing with them
Warnings: Slash, incest

Feedback:  ***Feedback is Totally Awesome***

Premise: Sam's wish that Dean opens up about his feelings has unexpected consequences.

Wish A Little Wish - Part One

Wish A Little Wish

"No fucking way. Don't you even think about closing that fucking door. Do you hear me?" Aggressive and assertive Dean had just made an entrance. The hell with feelings, he and Sam were having this out, now, and Sam had better not argue because Dean was not in the mood.

He pushed his way past the door and faced an angry Sam who stood inside the room just glaring at him, clenching and un-clenching his fists looking like he wanted to hit something.

"I want to know, right now, what the hell your problem is," Dean growled at Sam, none of the aggressiveness or authority removed from his voice. He demanded an answer and then he braced his feet apart and crossed his arms and stared right back at Sam and waited...

Sam paused. Dean was too close and filled with a righteous fire that sent a tremor through Sam, something he didn’t want to acknowledge. “My problem?” He cocked his head, and moved back. “You’re my problem Dean. This isn’t... this isn’t gonna work.”

Was he really giving up the world he’d found in Dean’s arms last night? He bit his lip, trying to fight off the uncertainty.

“It’s too hard. It’s too different. You... you promised me normal, you promised. But what happened at the beach, that wasn’t normal. Okay, you got your answer.” He strode to the connecting door and held it wide open. “I need to get outta these...and I need to think.”

"Normal? Are you kidding me? Sam you almost died, again. Jesus, do you have any idea how I felt sitting on that beach with Lorne after they held me back and wouldn't let me into the surf to look for you? How I waited and waited and I thought they were going to bring me a body. Do you have any idea how that felt?" Dean said as he stepped closer to Sam standing at the connecting door.

With a tear rolling down his face he stared Sam down. "I'm sorry if I kissed you in front of everybody, but it isn't anybody else's business. I love you, and I'm sorry if my showing that in front of a bunch of strangers embarrassed you, but I'd do it again in a second. You are the only thing that has ever meant anything to me in my whole life...I apologize for showing it in front of them, but I don't apologize for wanting to do it, needing to do it. To feel you and know that you were okay..."

Sam didn't say anything. He just stood there.

"If you need to get out of your clothes and you need to think, go ahead… but know this, nothing that happened last night was wrong. If you stop almost getting killed I promise I won't do that again. When you get done cleaning up, I'll be in bed waiting for you...understand?" and with that, Dean brushed past Sam and went in to his room to wait.

Ball was in Sam's court now. Dean knew deep down that he had to let Sam make this decision himself. He needed to give him a little space, but he'd force it if he had to. He just hoped it didn't come to that.

Sam followed and grabbed Dean’s arm, spinning him around. “You think ordering me to bed... that’s going to work? You think that solves anything?” The ‘hell yes’ look Dean was giving him had Sam incensed. He wouldn’t let his dad tell him what to do and he sure as hell wasn’t letting his brother try. “It’s not.”

He felt a bit guilty about having put Dean in a sitch where he thought he might have gotten killed, but hell... that didn’t justify what happened. “And you know damned well I can’t promise not to almost get killed, it’s what we do... I want to keep doing it, and I want... I think I want our lives back, the way it was...”

He didn’t sound convincing, not even to his ears, but he forced the words out anyway. “I’m just not sure. Just... Dean, don’t look at me like that.” His heart was breaking, even if his brother didn't know it.

Dean heard Sam's words, but he looked at Sam, really looked at his brother. The look on his face and his body language. He was saying, 'no', but it almost looked like it was breaking his heart to do so, to tell Dean that things had to go back the way they had been. As much as he had wanted to wait for Sam to come around, he was done waiting. The adrenaline that had been coursing through his body while he waited for Sam to be recovered was still there and before Dean knew it he had pushed Sam up against the wall next to the door and was kissing him. Hard.

Dean didn't give Sam a chance to argue, he plundered Sam's mouth, while pulling at Sam's clothes and rubbing his hands all over Sam's body, then cupping Sam's face with one hand while putting his other hand over Sam's cock that was throbbing and hard beneath the wet jeans he was still wearing.

Sam was taken by surprise. He shouldn’t have been, he should know Dean played dirty... he should have let Dean walk away, and then locked himself in his own room to think. Now that Dean’s mouth was over his, so hot, so fucking hot ... Sam could hardly think. His mind blanked... his body reacted and there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it.

Dean broke the kiss but kept his hand on Sam's jaw, directed Sam's eyes to his. "It isn't going to be the way it was Sam..." Dean said as he deliberately rubbed up on Sammy's cock, "Is it? You say one thing, but you want it so fucking bad, don't you? I said I was sorry. I won't over-react like that again, but we aren't going back the way we were, are we?"

Sam’s cock was straining and painful against his wet jeans and then Dean was touching him, God he was touching him so good, making him writhe and need... want. His mouth went dry at the intensity of Dean’s gaze, his words... the absolute belief in them.

“Dean...” his head was swimming so bad, he could hardly string two words together. “I...” He did want it fucking bad, and Dean putting into blunt words what he was feeling inside sent waves of heat through his body. He swallowed hard and whispered hoarsely,“No... we’re not going back...” How the fuck could he go back? He had to have been on drugs to think he could resist this... not want it... not need it ... Dean... like he needed to breathe.

His hands shook as he placed them on Dean’s hips, unconsciously pushing his shirt up slightly. “I’m scared of how much I want this. Of how much you want it. I’m scared it’s gonna blow up in my face. If... if we do this, Dean... there’s so much more to lose if anything goes wrong.”

Dean heard Sam finally capitulate. Thank God, because he didn't know how much more of this he could take. But when he felt Sam grabbing onto his hips and his fingers just under his shirt and on his skin, he stopped thinking all together and just went back to feeling. "Sam, so good. Gonna make it so good for you...stop worrying, baby, I'll make it good for you, I'll take care of you...promise..." Dean said as he leaned in and kissed Sam again, his entire body now pressed up against Sam in his wet clothes and rubbing up against his brother's hard cock, with his own. God this was incredible...

Not thirty minutes ago Dean hadn't known if Sam was dead or alive and now his brother was pressed against him and starting to come undone. He wanted him so badly, he couldn't think for the lust that had overtaken him.

Just 'Sam', that was all he could think. How good it felt to have his hands all over his baby boy and hearing them each moaning while they kissed and claimed each other again. Dean broke the kiss, and looked at Sam, "Want you Sam. Want you so bad...Please?"

Sam was burning up. Thoughts of how they’d spent last night tortured him, made him want to peel the damned clothes off and feel Dean, skin on skin. He could fuck up against Dean again all night long, could rub up against him until they were both raw. But when Dean asked for more, he locked gazes with him.

He was breathless, and needy... he wanted Dean’s hands on him again, he wanted the intensity of last night... he wanted more. His gaze slipped across the room to the lap top. It had been moved. Dean wasn’t kidding, he’d looked.

“Want you too.” When Sam finally answered, there was no uncertainty in his voice. He grabbed Dean’s shirt, turned and walked backwards toward the bed, dragging Dean with him. He deftly avoided Dean’s mouth, afraid they’d never make it to the bed if he let Dean touch him again.

By the time they were on the bed kneeling in front of each other, they’d lost their shirts. Sam fished into his back pocket and brought out a mushy box that fell apart to reveal a tube. Deliberately looking at Dean, he dropped it on the bed next to him.

He gripped Dean’s waistband, right above his belt buckle, and tugged him so hard, their groins collided. “Promise me.” He licked his lips and didn’t care that he wasn’t above blackmail, not when it mattered. “Promise me you’re not gonna die on me. Promise me you’re gonna fight... fight to live. Fight for this... for us.”

"Promise, Sam. I promise, I'll fight. Okay?" Dean promised Sam and then showed him that he wouldn't give up without a fight, because what the two of them had together, was definitely worth fighting for.

As Dean and Sam were still kneeling in front of each other on the bed and kissing, Dean reached down to pick up what Sammy had dropped on the bed and gave it a quick look. He wasn't even gonna ask Sam if he was sure, because from the look that Sam had given him before he dropped it, it was more than clear that Sam wanted him too and that he was ready.

Dean tossed the tube back on the bed, "Let's get you out of your wet pants, okay?" Dean told Sam as he reached down to help Sam unfasten his pants. Dean opened Sam's pants for him, just like when it was his job to take care of his Sammy, and helped him pull the wet denim from his thighs.

Sam had to lay down on the bed and lift both legs up so that Dean could peel his pants off. Once Dean got them off, he noticed that this had the added benefit of leaving Sam, lying on the bed completely exposed to Dean's view, while Dean was still wearing his pants. Dean actually sucked in a breath at the beautiful body displayed before him and he reached up, tentatively with his hand and gently placed it on Sam's jaw and turned Sammy's face toward him so that he could look into his face and his eyes. He gently lowered his head and placed the most reverent of kisses to his brother's mouth.

Sammy opened his mouth under his brother's kiss and reached up and cupped the back of Dean's head. All that Sam could think of was how sweet his Dean tasted...sweet, like syrup. When Dean broke the kiss and leaned back, Sam smiled up into Dean's face and said, "Dude, you taste sweet, like a girl."

"I so do not taste like a girl. And, how can I taste sweet anyway? I didn't even have dessert. But, I think I might have some now, what do you say, baby boy? Gonna let me taste you all over? Wanna lick you up and down, because, baby...you are the one who is sweet."

The things Dean said made Sam’s head spin with erotic images of Dean’s mouth everywhere, kissing, licking, stroking. His gut tightened with sudden uncontrollable need. Reaching up, he started to unbuckle Dean’s belt, his gaze never wavering from his brother’s. “Lick me up and down… is that a promise?” He pushed Dean’s jeans and briefs down his thighs. “You keep your promises Dean. You keep…”

Sam trailed off at the sight of Dean’s rock hard cock. That was gonna be in him… no, Dean was gonna be in him. He trusted his brother more than anyone, and the way he was looking at him now… he wanted him more than anyone. “Dean…” he pulled his brother down, hardly giving him a chance to kick the jeans off completely.

And then they had their arms around each other and were kissing like there was no tomorrow. Sam was almost out of breath, but he hadn’t had enough. He pushed Dean back and rolled on top of him.

His cock surged the instant he slid against his brother. They were incredible, the sensations flooding his system. Lowering his head, he moved his mouth over the lines of Dean’s face, memorizing them. When he reached his chin, he bit him lightly, scraping his teeth along his jaw. Then the urge to taste him became too powerful, and he took Dean’s mouth again, this time in a hard, demanding kiss... wringing from his brother everything he’d give him.

Dean rolled with Sammy on this, it was so hot, but not at all what he expected when they had decided to do this. Somehow he thought he was gonna be the one in charge and Sam was all over him. He suddenly wasn't sure who Sam had bought the lube for. Him or Sam.

At this point, he didn't even care. Having his Sammy back and on top of him practically devouring him was the most amazing feeling in the world. When Sam bit his chin and then ran his teeth across his jaw right before claiming another mind blowing kiss, Dean was about to burst and with all of his weight behind him he rolled them over until he was on top and pressing Sam to the bed with his body and he kissed Sammy as good as he was getting while he used one hand to hold Sam's hands above his head and his other hand to map every bit of Sam's body that he could reach.

Dean’s strength took Sam’s breath away. It always had. With his arms pinned to the bed, Sam couldn’t touch or grope his brother, but any protest he would have made died on his lips when Dean started to touch him. “I… never thought it could feel like this, so good…” he urged Dean on. “More.”

Dean lay on top of Sam, kissing his brother and licking and biting his jaw while he was pinching Sam's nipples and teasing him relentlessly with his hand, his mouth, and his words...definitely his words. "Sammy so good, baby boy...love this...love having you under me squirming around under me, letting me feel you, how hot you are and how hard your cock is. Baby, I can tell you love this so much...so do I baby boy, so do I."

Hot trails of pleasure marked Sam everywhere Dean touched him. The feel of his brother's calloused hands brushing over his skin, scraping him slightly, and then Dean’s tongue and mouth following the same trails… soothing…. stroking… teasing… slowly wound Sam up and drove him insane with need. He started to move more wildly, more desperately under Dean, trying to bring their bodies closer, needing the friction. “Please Dean… please,” he pleaded, “…need you. Need you so bad...”

Dean absolutely could not get close enough to Sammy, while he was rubbing Sam and sliding his hand under his ass cheek just trying to bring Sam up even closer to him, and somehow get their cocks even closer together, Dean’s hand came across the tube of lube again.

Somehow, now Dean was sure that Sammy had bought it for Dean to use on him, and even with the little bit of confusion with Sam taking the lead for a few moments, Dean didn't even ask if that was the case.

But Dean didn't want to lube Sam up and slide his cock into his brother. Well, he did eventually but he wanted something more first. Ever since he had been thinking about this, he wanted every bit of Sammy and he wasn't going to be satisfied until he got it.

Dean broke the kiss, slid off Sam and said, "Get on your knees Sam. Gotta get you ready, okay baby. I know it's the first time for both of us. Gonna make it so good, not gonna rush you...but, Sam...on your knees okay?"

Sam protested the separation, reaching for Dean... frustrated when his hand met air. He wanted to be up against him, wanted to hear the sounds he made when they were moving in synch. He tried to regain some of his control and sat up, eyeing Dean.

“On my knees. You want me to...” his gaze dropped to Dean’s very aroused cock. “Okay.” He started to crawl over, knowing he could make Dean cry out like he had last night... and maybe do it better.

"No, Sam. Gonna get you ready, need you on your knees, get comfy baby. Gonna make you feel so good and so ready for me. I'm gonna take care of you tonight...it's your turn, baby."

He helped Sam finish getting over onto his knees and ran his hands all over Sam's body helping him to relax and then slid his hands along Sam's ass and then bent in and nipped at Sam's ass, first one side then the other, all the while his hands had not stopped moving.

Even if Dean hadn't looked at all of the sites that Sam had bookmarked while doing his research, Dean had been with enough girls and women to know that it was important to not only relax but to tease them relentlessly to get them ready, especially if they were going to be trying something new for the first time. And, this definitely was going to be new for both of them.

That was Dean's strategy, inundate Sam with sensations and not let up until Sam was so slick and open and practically begging for Dean to slide into him and fuck him.

Dean smacked Sam on the ass, and told him to "Spread your legs a little for me baby, need you to open up and relax okay?"

Sam’s heart banged against his chest. It was hard to relax when he couldn’t see what Dean was up to. But his brother kept talking, and that was soothing. And Dean’s calloused hand stroked him everywhere. His back, his shoulders, his abs. When he felt Dean’s hand on his cock, he arched back. “Dean… so good.” He closed his eyes, giving himself up for the moment to whatever Dean had in store for him.

And then Dean leaned down and started running his tongue up and down the crack of Sam's ass, and slowing and teasing Sam's tight little pucker with his tongue. Dean would linger just long enough for Sam to crave more, so every time he moved away from Sam's hole, Sam would push back trying to maintain contact with Dean's tongue and his mouth.

Dean licked that part of Sam where his ass met his thighs and reached up and started fondling Sam's balls at the same time, and then renewed his attentions on Sam's hole, the object of Dean's obsession... he had to get Sammy ready. And with that Dean slid the tip of his tongue just inside the tight muscle at the opening and then curled it and then slid it out again, just trying to see how wound up he could get Sam, before he lined up behind him to slide his cock into Sam's tight, virgin ass.

The last thing Sam had expected was the things Dean had done to him with his tongue. Nothing had prepared him for that, nothing. At first he’d been tense, holding himself stiff and straight, but then Dean made that impossible. All Sam knew was he needed to be touched, and every time Dean moved away even the slightest bit, a protest broke from Sam’s mouth.

Then he felt Dean’s arousal press up against his hole. His heart thudded against his chest as Dean started to slowly move against him, never penetrating, but letting him enjoy the sensation... prepare for what was coming.

Eyes closed, Sam turned his head and put his hand behind Dean’s head, bringing their mouths together. Fuck... it felt so good, so damn good, each time Dean’s cock dragged up and down his crack, each time he surged and pulsed against him. Sam knew Dean was hurting... was being patient for him. “Dean I’m ready to go,” he whispered hotly against his brother’s mouth.

He didn’t know how Dean managed, but they were still kissing when he felt a slick finger press inside him. He stiffened slightly, waiting for the pain that never came. What he had was Dean’s voice, thick and rough with lust, encouraging him... telling him it would be okay, that it would be good. Then he felt another finger curl inside him, move deeper and touch him just so. A blinding heat shot through his system. “Dean... oh God, Dean...” If Dean hadn’t been holding him up...

He took a few more breaths and swallowed. “It’s incredible. Like nothing I’ve felt before. Dean, fuck me.” He wanted Dean inside him, he wanted to share the experience, wanted to hear his brother get as breathless, wanted him making sounds of pleasure. “Now... Dean,” he turned his head, straining to meet his eyes. “I want you inside me.”

He felt Dean’s arm tighten around his waist, and he leaned forward slightly as Dean aligned his cock again. This time Sam pushed back, wanting to take his brother... all of him, wanting it so bad, he didn’t know whether to plead or order.

"Oh my god, Sam...you ready?" breathed Dean as he slid his liberally lubed up cock inside of his brother for the first time. Sam's begging and pushing back into his big brother was all of the answer that Dean needed. It felt so good, so tight, and perfect, Dean was almost undone the second that he had breached Sam's tightness.

Concentrating on making it as good for Sammy as he possibly could, Dean worked until he found the right angle to hit his baby's sweet spot over and over.

"You like that baby? Hmmm? Hitting your spot? You feel so good Sammy, so tight. It's never felt like this before...feels so good..." Dean trailed off as he kept fucking Sam's ass.

Jesus, he never knew it could be like this. How much time had they wasted? He was done wasting time. This was heaven, this right here, and what they had promised each other that there was no going back to the way they were. Because how could anyone in their right mind walk away from this?

Sammy was pushing back trying to meet every thrust of Dean's cock, Dean held onto Sam's hips and started rotating his own hips trying to intensify the feelings for Sam.

He couldn't get over how good this felt, but not just how good it felt on his cock, how good it felt in his heart...Sammy was his everything and this just completed it.

"Sam, god this is so perfect. I love you Sammy...I love you. I promise I'll fight. Never leave you Sammy, never...Love you too much..." Dean promised his brother through his actions and his words. Showing him how much he loved him, how much it meant to him. Dean reached down and taking Sammy in hand, stroked his brother's own hard and weeping cock in the same rhythm that he was pounding his ass.

"Gonna come for me baby? Come on Sammy, gonna come together? Love you baby...love you...so good. Want you to come...want you to feel good too. I'm gonna come, Sammy...you close? Come on, come for me..." Dean pleaded with Sammy as he snapped his hips driving his cock into Sammy's tight ass while he continued fisting his brother's cock.

It was too much, too much for both of them. Dean's stroking and fucking sent them over the edge, together. It was a perfect harmony. "Baby, so good...you feel so good. I love you Sam."

Biting his lower lip so hard, he tasted blood, Sam arched his head back into Dean’s shoulder as he arced with pleasure. “Dean... oh fuck, Dean,” he called his brother’s name, putting his hand over Dean’s as they both stroked his cock until they’d rung ever last ounce of pleasure.

He rested for a moment, listening to Dean’s still labored breaths near his ear... so damned sexy, and then his brother’s hands slipped off his waist and cock. Sam turned around, exhausted but still on his knees. He searched Dean’s face, swallowing hard at what he saw in his eyes. Believing now that they could be each others’ everything.

He put his hands on Dean’s shoulders, one hand curling behind Dean’s neck. “Me too. I love you, and I’m never gonna lose you. Not ever.” He dragged Dean close and kissed him, sealing the promise with a long, heated kiss.


They were in the shower, groping, kissing... slip sliding against each other, trying to find release again like they hadn’t been going it at it all night long. It was wild, and hot... and so fucking out of control, so beautiful as they came again in an explosion of curses and groans.

Sam cherished every moment of it. Somehow he knew when they left this place, they’d still have each other, but it wouldn’t be the same. Not exactly. Dean was different here. He wasn’t closed up, he didn’t refuse to talk about his feelings, and there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t answer. Not expecting it to last, Sam was sure to make him examine everything that was important to him. To them. Their past, and their future.

Stepping out of the shower, Sam passed Dean a towel. It was wet... they’d already been in the shower several times before. He cupped his own jaw and opened his mouth a couple of times. “You should come with a hazard label... ‘dangerous to your jaw.’” He just made it out of the bathroom, before a towel cracked against his ass.

Laughing, he ducked into his room and started to pull on some clothes. They’d ordered breakfast... or brunch rather, and they had the room until 3, so they weren’t about to waste it.


That was the most amazing night that Dean had ever spent. And the day was just as great. And it wasn't even over yet. They had a few more hours before they needed to check out of their room. The night had started out rocky, not knowing whether Sam had drowned, the immediate relief of finding that Sam hadn't drowned and then them arguing, but resolving their issues, and then the most incredible sex he could imagine.

With all of Dean’s experience with the ladies, he seemed to be the brother most in touch with his libido, but damn…his Sammy was insatiable in the sack, and in the shower, and on his knees, and against the wall. Sam couldn’t get enough, and Dean couldn’t get enough of Sam. Sam wanted it all and Dean didn’t have to hold back like he would with a girl. Sam was huge and strong and had told him more than once that he wouldn’t break and to ‘fuck me harder.’

There was a knock on his door and Dean let the hotel employee in with their food and directed them to set it up on the balcony. Sam and Dean had settled on the balcony to enjoy what would be their last meal at the resort and they talked and laughed and communicated in ways they never seemed to do in their real lives.

Sam had seemed intent on pinning Dean down on different issues that were important to him and for them. And for some reason, there at the Cabana Club, Dean was relaxed enough to be open and honest with Sam. He felt like an open book and willing to share and he never once clammed up and claimed 'enough of the chick flick moments.'

Dean looked at Sam and smiled. That special smile that he reserved for only his Sammy. The one where his even white teeth were perfectly displayed, and lit up his entire face and made his beautiful green eyes sparkle with sincerity.

And, then, out of the blue, Dean the quiet reserved guy, the one you’d have to pull teeth from to make any type of major statement followed that smile up with what for Dean was a huge declaration of the touchy and feely variety.

“I know we decided that we aren’t going back to the way that we were, but somehow I know that even though things won’t be the same as they were, when we leave here it will change again. This, what we had here, was something different, something special and I’m really glad that we came here, because without you, without us, I don’t know how I would be able to deal with everything that is going to be coming our way. But I promised you that I would fight, and I will. Just so you know Sam. I won’t give up, not ever…”

"I know." Sam's tone was as casual and confident as could be. He cocked his head and smiled. "Because I won't let you. Not ever."



sam, my fic, nc-17, wincest, dean

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