You do watch the show right? Because canon Dean Winchester likes classic rock. He doesn't necessarily make fun of new age music, but he doesn't like anything new, and new age is definitely new.
Hey, I like listening to Enya when I'm getting a massage. I wrote her putting it on, because that's what I associate with getting a massage, then realized there is no way that Dean would be able to relax with that kind of music on, it just isn't Dean.
I don't own any Enya music myself, but I really enjoy listening to the music during the credits to the Lord of the Ring, the Fellowship of the Ring movie. And I have all of those movies on DVD.
Plus, like I said, whenever I get a massage, it seems like that is the music that is playing.
I'll have to watch Episode 1 of Season 2 again to see if he really does make fun of Yanni.
Don't tell Dean, but maybe I'll have to buy my own CD, because goodness knows any help in getting spiritual purity would be welcome. LOL
Babe-You crack me up. I love your list. Of course you can't make love during any of that stuff, especially number four. No way, no how. That is my special time.
Poor baby, can't get your spirit clean Coz of Dean. Strange as that may seem, I totally get that. LOL
The banner, yeah I love it. My friend realm_of_ylith made it for me. I was googling images of cupid because I was thinking of using a cartoon or something in my fic banner and up pops this blonde in a cupid outfit from some site that also sells French Maid costumes. I saved it and sent it and a couple of photo options for pics I had of Dean that I thought would work, and the Red Ribbon and asked her if she could put something together for me. It only took her two tries to get what I wanted. I love it.
I am trying to make my list longer. I will add more soon. And Oh! Yeah, no.4 makes my unable to breath, move or blank. ;) I even watch the episod twise to save every scene, word and quote into my brain.
Oh! Dean. You are a knigh in my dream. Why don't you let me get my Spirit to be clean.
*I imgin him rais up an eyebrow and replay "Hunny. I don't do poetry. Go and as Sam"
It still an awsome banner. YAY. But I always make Dean fall for a burnt.
But I wanted to shoot Dean when he made fun of newage music and lady Enya -I am a big fan of her-
but it still nice fan fic.
You do watch the show right? Because canon Dean Winchester likes classic rock. He doesn't necessarily make fun of new age music, but he doesn't like anything new, and new age is definitely new.
Hey, I like listening to Enya when I'm getting a massage. I wrote her putting it on, because that's what I associate with getting a massage, then realized there is no way that Dean would be able to relax with that kind of music on, it just isn't Dean.
Thanks for commenting and leaving fb.
I listen to Enya as a tool to get my spirital pureity -long story-. My point is Hell no one could make love while listing to the pure newage music.
Plus, like I said, whenever I get a massage, it seems like that is the music that is playing.
I'll have to watch Episode 1 of Season 2 again to see if he really does make fun of Yanni.
Don't tell Dean, but maybe I'll have to buy my own CD, because goodness knows any help in getting spiritual purity would be welcome. LOL
And yes Enya's music and voice makes me fly.
Also that not making love during listing to Enya made me come up with the list of things that is to pure to make love during it.
1. Lord of the rings or any fantasy film *u can do it during romance or action film*.
2. During listing to Operatic, newage or classical music.
3. During reading a fantasy book.
4. During watching Supernatural lol.
About the Spiritaul Purity . It does not work for me after I knew Dean. Coz I tried and tried to get my spirit clean but I could not. Coz of Dean.
May be I have to try harder.
BTW NICE BANNER. Who is the blond chick?
Poor baby, can't get your spirit clean Coz of Dean. Strange as that may seem, I totally get that. LOL
The banner, yeah I love it. My friend realm_of_ylith made it for me. I was googling images of cupid because I was thinking of using a cartoon or something in my fic banner and up pops this blonde in a cupid outfit from some site that also sells French Maid costumes. I saved it and sent it and a couple of photo options for pics I had of Dean that I thought would work, and the Red Ribbon and asked her if she could put something together for me. It only took her two tries to get what I wanted. I love it.
Oh! Dean. You are a knigh in my dream. Why don't you let me get my Spirit to be clean.
*I imgin him rais up an eyebrow and replay "Hunny. I don't do poetry. Go and as Sam"
It still an awsome banner. YAY. But I always make Dean fall for a burnt.
Thanks lol.
No for really I have never ever read an adult fiction before I started reading for you.
Baby, don't give me any ideas....*see icon*
Seriously, I'm really glad that you are enjoying it, I'm having a blast writing it too. ♥
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