Letter Meme

Feb 28, 2008 15:04

Letter Meme

Comment if you would like to do this and I will give you a letter. Then, in a post in your journal, you list ten things you dislike/don't particularly like starting with that letter.

realm_of_ylith gave me the letter      

  1. Stupid People. Also their buddies, ignorant and intolerant, closed minded SOB’s.

    1. Stifling Summer Heat. I live in a house without AC. We need it maybe 2 weeks per year and other than the wall AC in our upstairs bedroom we are without. Those are a miserable 2 weeks.

    1. Smoking. It is stinky. 

    1. Sleep Deprivation. What can anyone possibly say about this except it sucks.

    1. Swimming in a pool with lots of little kids that you never see go to the actual bathroom. Ugh. Gross.

    1. Saturday Night Live’s Kristen Wiig. I can’t stand her. I only got to put her in my ‘S’ list because the show she is on starts with ‘S’. My husband still insists on watching this show and he actually laughs at her characters. Makes me wonder what is up with him. Although I have managed to get him to agree that for watching any TV on a Saturday night, that Mad TV is funnier.

    1. Starting work too early in the morning. I am definitely not a morning person. This ties in to the sleep deprivation I mentioned above. These two don’t mix well at all.

    1. Stock Market Fluctuations and needing to know that stuff for my job and explaining them to people who don’t understand diversification and long term investment strategies.

    1. Steak and Sausage and any other meat that starts with ‘S’. Being a vegetarian, I have no idea how many ‘S’ meats there are, but we’ll include these 2 on the list. 

    1. Scrabble with my mom. She loves Scrabble, but has a couple of weird rules that I don’t think are regulation and she takes forever to take her turn. Seriously, my hair turns grey while I wait for my turn. I could read War and Peace while she is screwing around trying to use all 7 of her letters on a triple word score, while one of her letters adds a letter to the beginning or end of another word, doesn’t just intersect it and she also gets the full count of that word too. 

    And a bonus:
    1. Eggs. I know eggs doesn’t start with ‘S’ but it ends with it. There are so many things I can say about how gross eggs are that it is hard to know where to start. One thing that just frosts me is why the heck are there eggs in stuff like ice cream, and lemon bars, and some mousses and custards, and sauces. WTF? Can’t anybody think of something that will work in these dishes that are supposed to be sweet and creamy without it having to be made of a friggin’ egg????   Seriously. I want to know. 


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