Dean Loves Pie, Ficlet, Dean/Sam, PG

Jul 16, 2009 16:26

Title:   Dean Loves Pie

Author:   softbluebuddy

Word Count: 270

Pairing:   Dean and Pie, mention of Dean/Sam

Rating:    PG

Posted at comment _fic, today’s theme is Things you can do with your mouth and the prompt was SPN Dean eating pie. I think I wrote something on a similar prompt a long time ago, but I’m pretty sure it is a new take on an old theme.

Dean Loves Pie

Sam sat in the booth across from his brother, Dean. After all of these years he’d have thought that he would be impervious to the almost pornographic show that was being performed before his very eyes.

The way that Dean wielded the fork that was to deliver the tender morsel of chocolate cream pie to his mouth was almost a crime in and of itself. The chocolate covered with whipped cream and chocolate shavings all on top of the flakiest pastry crust that Sam could remember seeing.

Dean waved the fork in front of his face making a point as Sam watched the fork in mid-air in full anticipation of what Dean would do next. Watching the fork as it approached that mouth, those lips until Dean licked his lips and opened his mouth with his tongue resting on his bottom lip as though he were awaiting communion. Dean’s mouth watered for the pie, Sam’s mouth watered imagining what he rather that Dean’s mouth would be doing instead of eating pie.

The fork slid between those plump, nasty lips and Dean’s eyes closed in bliss as he tasted the chocolate cream pie and slid the fork from his mouth. Dean chewed slowly and Sam watched with rapt attention.

Oh, to have Dean tasting Sammy that way was what he dreamed of. Sam wanted nothing more than to have Dean devour his mouth with as much abandon and joy as he obviously felt about that pie.

The reason that Sam never ordered pie wasn’t because he didn’t like dessert; it was that he never wanted to miss one second of the show.

sam, my fic, pie, ficlet, dean

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