Snow Day for me - so I am answering this Meme

Dec 18, 2008 13:51

I was tagged by huntress69 because apparently she hates me. I have to tag people, and being it is the joyous holiday season, I tag: anyone who wants to share, or has time to meme.

I am putting it under a cut, so if you have no interest, you will not be bored.

1. What are your nicknames?
From age 7 to 15 only my parents and teachers used my given name. Everyone else called me “Curly”

2. How do you style your hair?
Wash, condition, lots of product. Depends on time of year and if I’m going for long and curly which is natural, or I want the flatiron straight look. Or, just smooth and wavy. But I don’t bother going straight in winter because it rains or snows 6 months a year where I live.

3. What's new in your life right now?
Nothing really.

4. How many colors are you wearing now?
Two, black and blue.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Most people would say Extrovert, and I can talk to anyone about anything. I like people. But if I had my choice of being in a crowded room or being alone, I’d rather be alone. But because of my work I find myself in groups of people most of the time.

6. What was the last book you read?
The Stand by Stephen King. Re-read my original dog-eared copy again. It has been read so many times, I had to use poster board and cut out new covers and tape it back together. Paperback, but I wouldn’t replace it for anything.

7. Do you nap a lot?
No. I actually only sleep about 4 hours a night. Occasionally on a Saturday I may lie on the couch and take a nap for an hour, but that is very rare.

8. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
I hate my job. I hate owning a business. I hate having employees *though my employees are wonderful*. I just wish that I could go back to punching a clock.

10. What's your favorite dessert?
Cookies are the perfect food. But I love chocolate marble cheesecake with chocolate crust with a very hot cup of Colombian coffee with Splenda and 2% milk.

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
An hour if I wash my hair. Forty minutes if I don’t wash my hair. Because of the long and curly thing, even when I comb through the tangles before washing, it still takes 10 minutes to de-tangle after I get out of the shower.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, Yahoo & G-mail.

13. Do you write fic? What was the last fic you wrote?
Yeah, I’m goofing around with something called Glasses ‘Verse Dean. Where Dean has to wear glasses temporarily. Sam gets a huge kink for Dean in his glasses. I’d never even heard of glasses!kink till my friend mentioned it and I volunteered to try and write some of it for her. So far I have posted 3 chapters in the last 3 weeks. Wincest-PWP.

Oh, and the two Christmas themed things that I posted this week, which is the funniest thing ever because I am the biggest bah-humbug person you will ever meet. And one of them, Santa’s Puppy was the schmoopiest thing that I ever wrote.

14. Do you like to clean?
No. Hence the woman named Amanda that will be at my house tomorrow morning at 9am. She also cleans my office.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
KOL - Sex on Fire

16. What's the last movie you saw?
In a theatre: James Bond - Quantum of Solace

17. Would you enter a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?
No. Absolutely not.

18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday?
Everything. I can’t really pick one thing. My life feels too full of obligation and not full enough of joy. I think that I may be a little depressed. I am not a morning person. I hate getting out of bed. That is a sign of depression isn’t it?


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