Dealing With Deceit; Dean/Sam; NC-17

Dec 08, 2008 00:47

Title:   Dealing With Deceit

Author:   softbluebuddy

Characters:   Dean/Sam

Genre:   Angst - No Sex
Rating:   NC-17

Warning:   Adult Spanking

Implement:   Belt

Spoiler:   Season 4

Word Count:   316

Written for comment porn at phantisma ’s LJ. She has declared the month of December comment porn month.  If you want to play too go here Link.  Prompt: Dean/Sam - Aggressive

Summary:   Dean finds out what Sam has been up to while he was in the pit and has continued since Dean has been back. Dean is not happy.

Dealing With Deceit

Dean had just punched Sam in the face after learning about his extra-curricular activities of using his powers and then conveniently not mentioning that to his older brother even when he had asked him directly.

Sam wasn’t sure if Dean was more pissed off at the use of the powers or the lying about it. But whatever it was, he definitely had the right to be mad. Sam didn’t strike back, just stood there and looked at his brother.

Seeing the expression on Dean’s face change from anger to hurt and disappointment, Sam realized immediately that he would rather have a pissed off Dean than the one who was looking at him with those eyes that showed how betrayed he felt.

The only way to get pissed off Dean back was to do something to get Dean back in that frame of mind, and the only thing that Sam could think of to do that was something that he hadn’t done in years.

Sam took off his belt and handed it to Dean; he pulled down his pants and braced himself against the wall.

And he stood there for a while. Dean behind him and a little to the left staring down at the floor holding Sam’s belt in his hand.

Finally, after what Sam thought was ages Dean made his decision and pulled back his arm and struck Sam hard across his ass with the leather of his own belt. Dean did it over and over again, tears streaming down his face.

Leaning against the wall, Sam had his own tears running down his face as he repeated again and again, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry…”

It maybe didn't feel like it right at the moment, but the act of the spanking and the being spanked was somehow cathartic. Just maybe they could get past this, and move on, and it would all be okay. Maybe.

sam, my fic, nc-17, dean, belt

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