...and part two

Jan 10, 2008 00:40

Dancing With the Stars
Drew and Cheryl
Part One Written: November 17, 2007. Part Two Written: November 26, 2007.

Quick note, I actually haven't finished this story yet...I've been experiencing some Drew/Cheryl writers block as I have been obsessed with Season 5 and it's stars/pros. But don't worry, now that it's died down a bit I'm starting to rewatch D/C videos on youtube and Part 3 will be done soon!

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Resolution
Part: part 1/?
Rating: G (for now)
Pairing: Drew/Cheryl!!!! ;-)
Summary: Too many sleepless nights had been had. It's time to figure out the truth.
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the celebrities or professional dancers. DUH.
Warnings/Comments: I just whipped this up outta nowhere. Like, literally, I just did this in about 20 minutes. So I'm sorry if it's not perfection. Or for any grammatical errors. I was just in a Drew/Cheryl mood and am sad that there is not more of this fandom to read in this community. So, I made my own story. I've been working on a better fic for this pair for awhile now but seem to be having some writer's block, but hopefully that one will be finished soon. Until then, enjoy this. I'm not sure whether to continue this into a chapter 2 or if I should just leave it as is...let me know. All criticism is appreciated. Please let me know what you think!!! Also, in my world, Drew and his wife are not together. I don't have anything against her, she is a lovely woman, buuuuuuut Drew and Cheryl and just more fun to play with. :-)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYmdn_zHPW8&feature=related (<-- tv clip that inspired me)

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

He quickly hit the rewind button for the third time that evening.

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

‘Okay, one more time, but then you’re cut off.’ He thought to himself.

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

He set down the remote as he let the tape play through all the way this time. He sighed to himself as he listened to her voice and the interviewer’s voice drone on but didn’t really hear any of what was being said beside the one phrase she said that was haunting him.

He had taped every interview she was on. Every red carpet appearance. Every small clip that had her in it. He told himself that one day it was going to make a great present for her; that was, if he could ever find the courage to actually give it to her and not hold onto it for his own torture. He hoped it seemed more cute and supportive than creepy.

He had missed dancing with her so much. It killed him to watch Emmitt hold her body the way only he should be able to. To see a sparkle in her eye that wasn’t directed toward him. To see her figure move effortlessly without himself there to guide her along.

The last time they had seen each other haunted him every night. He knew how he felt about her, and he thought she had felt the same. Could he have been wrong?

He and his wife had been having problems for a little while before the show started. He thought maybe some time apart while he trained for hours would do them some good. Instead he met Cheryl and what unfolded between them couldn’t have been fought if they tried. Shortly after the show ended his wife…ex-wife… moved out. (Well, if you could call “moved out” next door…she decided to stay close so that Drew could be close to his new daughter.)

So he didn’t understand why. Why when he kissed her with all the feeling in the world had she backed away? Why did she leave without a word? Why hadn’t he heard from her? The questions were driving him crazy.

But the phrase. She definitely said it…on national television…on Extra nonetheless.

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

She missed him. He felt it. Was this her message to him?

And suddenly it hit him like running into a brick wall. He quickly jumped up, grabbed his bag, and sped off in his car to the place he hoped she would be waiting for him.

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Resolution (Chapter 2)
Part: 2/?
Rating: PG/PG-13 for one sentence.
Pairing: Drew/Cheryl :-)
Summary: Chapter 2 of the story. Those looking for an end to the cliffhanger in chapter 1, you're going to hate me... :-0
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Drew or Cheryl.
Warnings/Comments: Constructive criticism = love. Sorry to those I promised that this would be up last night-I took a nap at 6:30 PM and didn't wake up until 8 AM this morning. (Yeah, I've had an exhausting last two or three days. It was needed.)

Her voice caught in her throat after she said that phrase. Had she actually admitted that out loud?

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

The words reverberated in her ears over and over. Why did she have to sound so desperate to be in his embrace once more?

‘Probably because I am…’ she thought. But that didn’t mean she had to sound that way to the world.

‘He probably won’t even see the segment, so it won’t matter anyway’ she had rationalized. In her mind, he had moved on long ago and she was nothing but an afterthought; something of the past. She had lost her chance long ago and she was convinced there was no way she was even on Drew Lachey’s radar any longer. He was probably looking for a reason to get out of the tour as the interview was being aired.

She stumbled awkwardly through the rest of the interview, hoping to God that no one would notice a fake smile plastered on her face as she half-heartedly answered the questions thrown at her. Then she got in her car and drove home with an all-too-familiar sadness in her heart that she knew from experience wouldn’t disappear for days.


2 Days Later

Cheryl switched off the TV after watching the segment of herself on Extra.

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

It didn’t quite sound as desperate on television as it had in her head, for that she was relieved; however, if by some chance the stars had aligned and he was watching…she didn’t even want to think of the possibilities.

Deciding to torture herself a bit more, she popped in her videotape of all of their performances on “Dancing with the Stars” and fast forwarded it to their most emotional dance- the Rumba. She closed her eyes to the music instead of watching the tape and visualized in her mind the steps and the rhythms and the way her body felt pressed against his. The look in her eyes that was reflected in his own. The heat, tension, and passion sparking between them. Cheryl chuckled as she thought of her Grandmother’s words when she was a young girl learning to dance: “Always leave some room for the Holy Spirit between you and your partner.” Well, the (small) amount of room between herself and Drew at parts of that dance were filled with something…not necessarily the Holy Spirit.

Could he feel the heat emanating from her body when she clung to him? Could he feel the passion in her eyes when she swayed her hips? Could he feel the wetness of her arousal when she pressed into him? The fire in her heart when he stared into her soul?

Her thoughts were interrupted as the music ended and the judge’s comments began. She smiled at Len’s comment and knew he never had to have felt the passion that was between Drew and herself while he was dancing because then he would understand why there was no smiling and why it was so emotionally charged.

She switched her television off and headed upstairs to her bedroom, deciding to try to go to sleep early.

After washing up and changing into some comfier clothes (baggy shorts and an old T-shirt of Drew’s that he left at her place once) she shimmied down underneath her covers and pulled them up all the way. She closed her eyes and instead of sleep overtaking her, tears started streaming out of her eyes. So many unanswered questions rang out in her mind.

Why hadn’t things worked out between them? Why couldn’t she have just explained to him her fears instead of running away after he kissed her? Why did she have to utter that phrase on television for the world to hear? She began to sob louder and louder.

After a few moments, she just couldn’t take the tears anymore. She felt weak when she cried. She was a strong dancer; crying - over a man, nonetheless! - didn’t get her to that point. She rolled out of bed and splashed warm water on her face to calm herself down.

Cheryl dried off her tears with a towel and looked up into the mirror over her sink. Suddenly, as if God had heard her questioning, she found the answer in herself as to why she had let that one phrase escape her lips on national television-accessible to everyone in the world, including Drew Lachey.

“I’m looking forward to be able to dance with Drew again.”

She had wanted him to hear it. As much as she convinced herself that she didn’t, she really wanted him to hear it. She was hoping to reach out to him, to tell him that there was still a chance. That she missed him so much that it hurt. That dancing was never the same without him. That her life was not the same without him.

She sent up a silent prayer that they were still on the same “brain-wavelength” and would be thinking the same thing. If he had seen the segment….

Cheryl rushed out of the bathroom and into her closet. She threw a sports bra and her dancing shoes into an oversized purse and ran down the stairs and out the door, moving so quickly she almost forgot to lock her house.

“Please Drew, be with me on this one…” she silently pleaded as she reversed out of her driveway and sped down the street.

Dancing With the Stars
Mel and Maks
Part One Written:December 6, 2007. Part Two Written:December 16, 2007. Part Three Written:December 21, 2007

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Paso Doble Passion
Part: 1/?
Rating: PG-13 (definately will be a higher rating the next chapter)
Pairing: Mel/Maks
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Mel or Maks.
Warnings/Comments: It was practically begging to be written. It's been swirling in my mind forever. I finally made myself sit down and start it. More to come soon, hopefully! :-) Corrective criticism and comments are my love! ♥

“Oy I can’t wait to get this dominatrix suit off and put on some actual clothes. I felt bloody naked out there, Maks! You designed it like this on purpose. It’s some sort of cruel punishment for having less practice time available, isn’t it?”

The words just kept sputtering out of her mouth like a train going full speed. Maks shook his head and cut her off before she could begin another sentence.

“You know, maybe you should be thanking me. I made that costume to show off your incredible body and create some talk. And look what happened. The judges loved it, and I know we created a stir in the audience. Combine our dancing with the fantasies people are now having about you being a dominatrix and we’re sure to move on.”

“Fantasies, ooh, I like the sound of that!”

Mel started to laugh and Maks couldn’t help but just look at her. She was just so damn hot in that outfit. At least she seemed to be focusing on the decoy excuse he threw out to her in an attempt to cover up the real reason he made the costume.

Her voice made its way back into his conscience.

“Hold on a tick, does that mean you’re having these fantasies too?”

Busted. Maks stood there with a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face until he realized she was just joking around and bantering as usual. Trying to recover from his near admission, Maks started to stammer.

The looks on Mel’s face changed from that of humor to complete seriousness. They were now outside both of their connected trailer pods and suddenly an idea hit Mel. She was going to toy and have fun with this for awhile.

“Well, Maksim, why don’t you just join me inside for awhile then?” Mel turned on her seductive voice and was surprised at how real it felt to say those words to him, even if she only meant to take it so far.

“Mel, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I was just joking…” Maks started to say.

“I don’t think you are in any position to turn me down. Go inside my trailer Maks.” Mel instructed.

“Seriously, no, bad idea…”

“I said NOW Maksim. You have no room for debate.” Mel forcefully instructed. She was beginning to enjoy this a little too much…

“Yes Ma’am.” Maks replied before he disappeared through the door.

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Paso Doble Passion
Part: 2/?
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Pairing: Mel/Maks
Summary: Part 2.
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Mel, Maks, or anything related to DWTS.
Warnings/Comments: Comments=love.

“That’s what you have to do-be submissive. Be submissive; you’ll be fine.”

Those words came out of Mel’s mouth a few weeks before, and at this moment they were all Maks could think about. Sure, she didn’t mean for it to sound like a sexual thing when she originally said it, but it didn’t matter now. The words just kept spinning through his head as he walked through her trailer door. He had no clue what to expect from the way Mel was acting.

Mel followed him into the small trailer and surveyed what little room she had to work with.

“Sit. There.” She pointed to a small couch as she instructed Maks in fragments. As Maks sat down she proceeded to lock the door and close any blinds in the trailer. She walked to the back where a small bed was in case she ever was tired and needed to rest (the producers of the show seemed to think of everything!) and reached under it for a shoebox. Maks tried to watch her anxiously from his seat, not knowing what to think of her behavior, but not wanting it to end all the same. Mel proceeded to empty the contents of the shoebox onto the bed; handcuffs, blindfold, small leather whip, and amateur novelty nipple clamps. Maks could barely see everything, but when she picked up the blindfold and handcuffs his jaw dropped and his erection started to grow.

Mel looked up into a small mirror over the bed and steadied herself. ‘You can’t enjoy this too much mate, you have a husband to go home to. Just toy with him for awhile and then drop it. Giving in to your desires would not be smart.’ She thought to herself before confidently turning around and approaching Maks with the blindfold and handcuffs in hand.

“Turn around.” She strongly instructed him. As he obliged, she wrapped the blindfold tightly around his eyes.

“Mel, just out of curiosity, do you always travel with handcuffs and a blindfold? I mean, it seems a little…I don’t know…trampish…even for you!” Maks lightheartedly tried to strike up the usual banter between them, nervous about what would happen next, and scared about the apparent fact that he was about to lose control. Nobody ever took Maksim Chmerikovsky’s control away from him; why was he letting Mel?

“Shirt, off.” Mel demanded as she finished tying the blindfold. As he easily slipped the tiny vest of a shirt he had on for his costume off, Mel decided to answer his question honestly. “Actually, I kind of enjoy a little bondage and fetish play every now and then with my partners. It’s not an every time thing…just something to spice up my sex life (no Spice Girls pun intended) from time to time. I enjoy being in control, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. I’ve just been hiding my stuff here since the show though because…well, I’m afraid of Stephan finding it…with his past behavior problems with his ex-wife and all. I don’t want to accidentally bring out the wrong side of him. He doesn’t even know I enjoy all this. It kind of sucks for me though, because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to use it again.”

Mel and Maks sat in silence together for a moment and a bare-chested Maks pulled down the blindfold before he put his arms around Mel and kissed her costume-covered shoulder.

“You shouldn’t have to hide who you are from a person, Mel. Doesn’t it say something if you are afraid of him getting violent again? You shouldn’t fear that from a man who claims to love you ‘til his dying day.” Maks consoled her.

Mel smiled thankfully at her partner and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “You’re too sweet Maksim. I’m so glad of this whole experience. It brought you into my life.”

They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment before something clicked inside Mel’s brain. She loved the man whose eyes she was looking into. And she knew inside of her soul that he loved her too. Why fight it anymore?

“So much for self control and just toying around.” Mel said out loud. Maks gave her a confused look and suddenly he was looking face to face not with the soft, damaged Mel, but with the commanding Mel who was there 5 minutes ago.

“Did I say you could remove the blindfold Maks?” Mel purred seductively.

“No ma’am, you did not.” Maks responded as he pulled the blindfold back up and made sure it was securely in place.

“Well, I think someone needs to be punished then…” Mel hissed.

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Paso Doble Passion (Chapter 3)
Part: 3/?
Rating: NC-17 MAJORLY!
Pairing: Mel/Maks
Summary: Insanely graphic descriptions. Very much NC-17. Enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Mel or Maks.
Warnings/Comments: Mmk, so the way I ended this chapter, I can definately continue it on. However, if you think it would be better just ending here, let me know. I haven't written the next possible chapter yet, so if you think it's better ending here let me know, no harm done. Or tell me to keep going. I have fun playing with these two :)

“What kind of punishment are we talking here?” Maks’ voice-pitch raised a few octaves, showing how obviously nervous he was to have no control.

“Maks, I’m only going to tell you this once. From now until whenever I say, the only words allowed out of your mouth are: yes, more, faster, thank you, and-my favorite-Mel. Accompanied by your choice of moans and noises. Do you understand?”

“Yes Melanie…Mel….ma’am.” Maks choked out, clearly excited.

With the blindfold securely in place, Maks had no clue what to expect next. He felt Mel’s presence somewhere near him. The anticipation was starting to build and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

“Lay down on the ground.” Mel instructed, the wheels clearly spinning in her head of what to do next.

Maks felt his way onto the ground and laid down flat, the whole not being able to see thing making it not the easiest task.

“Now, spread ‘em. Nice and wide.” Maks felt Mel’s hands starting to roam over his bare chest as she spoke. That meant she was kneeling next to him somewhere. Not having the sense of sight drove him crazy!

He spread his arms and legs wide and felt the coolness of metal against around his wrists. Knowing he was now going to be restrained scared him, yet turned him on even more.

“Oh sweet Jesus Mel” Maks moaned loudly as she tightened the cuff on one wrist, wrapped the chain around a bar and secured the other cuff on the other wrist.

Mel audibly walked to the back of the trailer and then back again, leaving Maks only to wonder what was coming next.

Unexpectedly, a sharp pain hit across his chest over and over. ‘Oh God, she’s whipping me!’ Maks thought. The thought excited him so much that it made the pain of the whip go away and turned it into sheer ecstasy. He wished so badly that he could see the strong face of his partner whipping him fiercely.

Suddenly the rhythm was broken and he didn’t feel anything against his skin anymore. The room grew quiet and the anticipation, if possible, grew even more. Maks’ erection pressed visibly against the seam of his pants, wanting desperately to be released.

Mel quietly leaned forward and pressed her lips to the now reddened skin. The contrast of her soft lips after the roughness of the leather whip sent Maks into a sexual frenzy. Her lips felt so damn good! Mel slowly made her way around every inch of red marks on his skin, kissing and licking the pain away, carefully avoiding the nipples. Maks silently cursed himself for letting her know in one of their practices that he had extremely sensitive nipples for a male when she accidentally brushed her hands up against them, for he knew she was using it against him now.

He let out a tiny groan, signaling to Mel how much her avoidance of those two spots was driving him crazy. Going soft in the heart for him, she gave in and wrapped her lips around one ultra-sensitive nipple and lightly flicked her tongue over the tip. She repeated this action on his second nipple while she toyed around with the first one between her fingertips. Maks struggled to stay somewhat quiet so the world outside their tiny walls could not hear them; he groaned and moaned all he could, urging Mel to continue on.

By now, Mel was insanely aroused by watching what pleasure she could bring to Maks. Quickly, she shed the “panties” (as she has referred to the bottom half of her costume earlier to Maks) of her outfit and knelt down, straddling Maks’ face.

“Maksim, listen to me. Get a good, deep breath now. Then use your tongue as fiercely as you can if you want me to continue on.”

Confused as to what Mel meant combined with the inability to see and figure it out, Maks had no choice but to oblige. He inhaled deeply and was immediately overtaken by the scent of Mel’s arousal. “Oh, please Mel!” he groaned, so excited to finally taste her. She lowered herself to where he mouth could reach and immediately had to brace herself.

“For a man who can…n…’t see what you’re do…ing, you’re bloody a…a…amazing!” Mel managed to stammer out as Maks tongue swirled around her clit. Never in her life had a man been able to satisfy her this much in this short amount of time.

Maks was in total heaven in his position. He just wished he had the use of his hands so he was able to pleasure her even more. He created a rhythm of circling his tongue around her clit, dipping his tongue in and out of her center, and then running the tip of his nose over her clit before starting all over again with his tongue.

Mel started to feel her orgasm building more and more. She hesitantly pulled away, causing Maks to groan in disappointment. “Mel, please, cum for me. I want to make you feel so good.”

“What did I tell you about the words you could say, Maks?” Mel tried to sound forceful, but it was obvious that she was starting to lose her resolve. A silent few seconds passed between them. She wanted to cum with him inside of her, but she wanted their first time connected as one to be sweet, gentle love-making. She wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted as far as that went. As if reading her mind and totally understanding, Maks quietly said, “Mel, it’s okay. Cum for me now.”

Smiling and knowing that Maks understood every part of her being, Mel repositioned herself to let Maks continue what he was doing. He continued his rhythm he had started earlier and she gently rocked her hips in time with him. Every couple of times Maks would switch the rhythm up to throw her off and keep her on her toes. The third time he switched it up on her caught her by surprise so much so that she knew there was no turning back.

“Oh, God, Maks. Maks. Yes. Right there. Oh fuck. Oh bloody fuck….” Mel barely made coherent words and Maks speed up his ministrations, forcing her even closer to the edge. It was so built up, Mel didn’t think she could take anymore.

“OH MAKSIM!” Mel screamed as her orgasm washed over her more forcefully than she had ever felt before. Her body shivered and shook as she tried to not collapse on Maks’ head. Finally, after what seemed like hours, her orgasm subsided and she collapsed on the floor next to Maks.

“Mel?” Maks questioned after a few moments of silence and immobility.

“Mmmhmm love?” Mel answered, clearly still floating in the clouds.

“Next time, I want to watch you cum. Please.” Maks requested. He was pleased with how good he knew he made her feel, but disappointed that he couldn’t watch her beautiful face twist in pleasure.

Mel sat up and nodded, despite the fact that Maks couldn’t see her. “I think somebody has earned themselves a reward or two.” Mel purred in a sultry voice.

“Reward number one: you get to see again.” Maks felt the blindfold slip off his head and watched as Mel used it to clean off her remnants on his face.

“Reward number two: you are going to cum so bloody hard for me, you’ll be seeing stars.” Mel unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She untied his shoes and slipped them off, along with his socks. In one swift motion, she removed his pants and his briefs, leaving a very vulnerable and naked Maks.

Mel let her eyes roam freely over Maks incredibly toned, incredibly gorgeous body. For once in his life, Maks felt completely shy, as he had no choice but to lay there and let her see him totally exposed, for his hands were still cuffed above his head. Maks also had to hide his disappointment that he could not see her naked body, as she had kept the top half of her costume on, as well as replaced the “panties” before she removed his blindfold.

Mel wasted no time getting to work. She ran her hands up his legs and thighs a few times, watching him squirm as she got closer to the desired destination each time. His eyes grew wide and his erection grew bigger when she finally grasped him fully, pumping his shaft with no mercy.

Within glorious seconds, Maks was starting to get to the point of no return. Seeing the look in his eye, Mel slowed down and gradually stopped, not wanting to climax his pleasure just yet.

Suddenly, an idea crept into Mel’s brain and she stood up and grabbed the remaining item yet to be used. Mel knelt down next to Maks body and took one of his nipples into her mouth again, taunting it into a small peak. She placed one nipple clamp (on light pressure, naturally. She’d have to gradually work him up…) on his aroused peak and proceeded to do the same for the other nipple.

The pressure started to get to Maks and he moaned in obvious discomfort.

Mel looked him in the eyes, no sympathy on her face. “Oh, just wait. In a few minutes, you’ll love me for this.” She remarked to him.

Mel repositioned herself between Maks’ spread legs. “Watch me, Maksim.” She instructed.

Mel began by licking the tip before she took Maks’ entire shaft into her mouth. Just the wetness of her mouth was enough to almost send Maks over the edge. She began to suck lightly as she moved her lips up and down while she reached up and grabbed the light chain connecting the two nipple clamps. She began to tug lightly on it while still sucking Maks’ cock and the proceeded to play with his balls lightly with her hands. The mixed sensations of pleasure and discomfort drove Maks wild and he couldn’t take it anymore.

Maks heart pounded as he screamed at the top of his lungs, “MELLLLLANIE!” as he began to cum inside her mouth.

Mel yanked the nipple clamps off in one quick motion, causing Maks’ sensations to amplify even more and to cum even harder.

When Maks had collapsed, exhausted from the force of his orgasm and the sensations his body had been put through, Mel hopped up and discreetly spit this remainder of his climax into a cup (for a woman with a fetish, she hated the taste of the stuff!) before crawling back onto the floor and curling up next to him.

As they started to slip off into a sleep induced by exhaustion from dancing and from each other, as well as pleasure, Maks whispered, “Um, Mel, do you think I could have my hands back?”

Mel started to giggle, a sign that the soft Mel was back and had replaced dominatrix Mel for the time being, and responded, “Hey, I quite like you when you can’t control me. We can stay like this for awhile.”

Too exhausted to argue or even try and move, Maks gave in for the moment and let them both drift off to sleep.

Maks’ final thought before he slipped away into his dreamland was how badly he wished they could do the Paso Doble again in the future.

‘Mel deserves a taste of her own medicine…’ he smirked to himself as she snuggled closer against him and they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Dancing With the Stars
Mark and Sabrina
Part One Written:Janurary 9, 2008.

This is my latest fic and I'm in the process of writing part 2 right now. Not sure how many chapters there will be, but I'm definately excited for the direction this one is going...

Author: softbalprincess
Title: Writing Our Own Story
Part: 1/?
Rating: Um, PGish. Maybe PG-13 for the word "sex".
Pairing: Main pairing: Mark/Sabrina. references to Drew/Cheryl(I couldn't help myself!) and very minor reference to Mario/Karina.
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the celebrities or professional dancers.
Warnings/Comments: I cooked this up when I randomly thought how funny it would be if one of the regular posters on here was actually Mark and Sabrina writing about themselves and we'd never know it! More to come... part two is going to take a lot of creativity! Comment your hearts out please! :-)

“Marky come here! You gotta read this one!”

On the opposite end of the bus, Mark rolled his eyes slightly and stopped strumming his guitar as Derek groaned in protest.

“What has she got you going back there every five minutes for, bro?” Derek questioned his best friend.

“You don’t want to know…” Mark sighed as he stood up and walked to the back of the bus where Sabrina sat on a tiny cot with her laptop. “Sabrina, don’t you think you’re starting to go a little overboard reading these crazy stories?” Mark chided her gently.

“But baby some of these are incredible! I just cried reading this last one. It’s amazing how our fans seem to write our personalities and mannerisms so realistically!” Sabrina’s eyes sparkled in amazement and awe that she actually had so many fans that enjoyed writing about her life. To her it wasn’t an insult and it wasn’t crazy; it was a form of flattery and respect.

“But some of them are totally off base.” Mark protested. “Like the one you made me read about our first time together in bed. First of all, who writes about real people sleeping together instead of making up fake people? Creepy much? Second of all, we could totally not be sleeping together and it makes people think we are. Third of all, that’s totally NOT how our first time happened. I rest my case.” Mark crossed his arms, trying (and not succeeding) to look smug, and looked expectantly at Sabrina for her rebuttal.

Sabrina just stared at him for a moment and then dissolved into a fit of laughter. “Mark, I hate to tell you, but your ‘case’ would not go anywhere in a court of law. Your second and third points totally contradict themselves.” Sabrina paused as Mark lowered his arms and sheepishly shrugged while she giggled a few more times. “Besides, I don’t mind that they are writing about us outside or inside the bedroom. I find it much more of a compliment that they are writing about us in any way instead of creating new characters and writing about them. It shows that they feel connected and attached to us in some way. And as long as my pre-teen fan base doesn’t find its way into the raunchier stories, I really don’t mind. So lighten up a bit baby and have fun with it.” Sabrina punctuated her point with a radiant smile and patted the small space next to her, signaling that she wanted Mark to join her on the bed.

Mark smiled to himself as he sat down and mused about how he would probably never win an argument with this woman for the sheer fact that every time she smiled he lost all control of his thoughts. And even if he could remember his points when the argument got heated, he’d most likely act dumb on purpose just to be able to see her winning smile again.

Mark snapped out of his thoughts as he saw a hand waving in his face and his girlfriend speaking in a horrible attempt of a British accent, “Marky? Where are you?”

Mark caught her off guard by leaning over and planting a quick kiss on her cheek. Sabrina’s cheeks flushed and a tinier version of her smile crept over her features as she asked, “What was that for?”

“Just because.” Mark simply stated. After a few more seconds passed as they stared at each other he added onto the phrase. “Just because I love you more than anyone before.” The simple statement made Sabrina’s cheeks flush even more.

Breaking the moment Mark breathed loudly and turned to look at her laptop. “So, what is it that we were reading now?”

Sabrina regained her composure and her vibrant personality came back full force. “Ha, I knew I’d get you to read some more!” Her eyes flashed with victory and happiness. “But this one’s a tear jerker and I don’t feel like crying again.”

“So let’s find another one then.” Mark took the laptop off of Sabrina’s lap and placed it in his own as he started surfing the page for other stories to read. “Nice, this one’s a 6-parter!” Mark said with obvious sarcastic enthusiasm. Then he added with his accent flaring in full force, “Shall I read to you or will you be reading to me this time, Miss Bryan?”

“Actually, I kind of have something different in mind…” Sabrina trailed off as a sly smile spread across her face. Mark’s eyes conveyed to her he knew he was in for trouble, but encouraged her to go on. “Let’s write our own story! How funny would that be? We could create an account and nobody would ever know it was us writing about ourselves!”

Mark handed the laptop back to her and stood up. “No, no, and no. I am not agreeing to this. That’s way too weird. I said I’d read, but I’m drawing my line there.” He started to walk back to the front of the bus where Derek was still working on the chord progressions for the new Almost Amy song while he heard her yell, “Fine then, I’m doing it myself!” with a warning in her voice telling him that he wasn’t going to like what was going to be written.

Derek heard Sabrina’s proclamation loud and clear from where he was sitting and said to Mark as he approached, “Dude, you’re leaving her to sexercise by herself? Could you at least make her shut the door please?”

“Derek!” Mark groaned as he punched him lightly on the arm while he sat down.

“So if she isn’t sexercising then, what is she doing by herself?” Derek questioned as he put his guitar down.

“Sabrina’s been into reading the fan stories…fiction stories….or whatever the hell they’re called…”

“Fanfiction.” Derek cut in. Mark looked at him for a second in disbelief, shook his head and continued on.

“Yeah, those. Anyway, she’s been getting into reading the one’s that people have written about us lately. I’m not too much into it though. Don’t you think it’s a bit weird?”

“No way! I think it’s awesome. I’m actually jealous. There are like 3 stories out there about me. Why are you two getting all the good story lines? I mean, what gives? Jennie and I had a good friendship…can’t someone write about that? Or seriously, why can’t someone get bold and write about me and her in the bedroom? Now THAT would make for a good story.” Derek pretended to flex his muscles a bit and then turned to look at Mark’s expression. He quickly added, “Not that I ever wanted that to happen or anything.”

“Dude, you totally had the hots for Jennie.” Mark laughed.

“Yes, I thought she was attractive.” Derek responded. “But I didn’t go and fall for her or anything. I appreciate our friendship more than anything.”

“Whatever you say.” Mark threw his hands up playfully as if to say he wasn’t touching on the subject anymore.

“What? I totally meant that!” Derek protested.

“I know, I know.” Mark responded.

“ONCE UPON A TIME…” Sabrina’s voice rang through the bus and Mark just sighed knowing she was trying to get him to bite her bait like a fish.

“One of your fans actually began a story with ‘once upon a time’? What are we in? Wonderland?” Derek laughed.

“Fortunately, a fan did not write that. Unfortunately, Sabrina just did.” When Derek looked confused, Mark continued to explain. “She wants to make up an account and write a story about ourselves. It’s her idea of fun somehow…”

Before Mark could finish his sentence Derek was up and bounding towards the back of the bus where Sabrina was, shouting “Bri! I want to help with the story!” along the way.

Mark’s head fell into his hands as he shook his head. “Oh Lord, here we go.”


Half an hour later Mark was still sitting up front alone, strumming his guitar while Derek and Sabrina were in the back making him look bad in a story (or so he was convinced) when all of a sudden the bus starting sinking to one side. A few moments later he felt the bus pull to a stop and got up and out of the bus to see what had happened.

After talking to the bus driver he found out that a tire had blown on one side of the bus and the whole tour caravan had pulled into a rest stop while they were waiting for it to be fixed. After a few moments of confusion the stars, dancers, and crew starting pouring out of their respective buses, trucks, trailers, and cars and gravitated towards those they were close with. Naturally the stars and pro dancers from the show ended up in a big huddle together.

“Nice going Mark. You and Sabrina rocking the bus too much for it to handle?” Joey Fatone teased when he walked up to the group. “Bet Derek felt awful awkward in there!”

“Come to think of it, where are Sabrina and Derek?” Cheryl Burke questioned.

“Teaming up on me writing a story in the bus. They probably didn’t even realize we stopped moving.” Mark semi-pouted.

“A story?” Kym Johnson questioned. “You mean a song, right?”

“No, a story. What are those things called again? Where fans write stories about their favorite couples…”

“Fanfiction!” exclaimed Cheryl, Drew, and Karina together, as they were all used to having stories written about them.

“Yeah, that. Sabrina has been into the kick of reading the ones written about us lately and now she wants to make a fake account and post one of her own. When I said I didn’t want a part of it, Derek jumped at the chance. I’m sure I’m going to look like the worst guy ever now.”

Drew patted Mark on the back while he assured him. “You gotta take it in stride, Ballas. They fans are only writing about you because they like you so much.” Mark shrugged and said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Cheryl, remember the one that one girl wrote with…” Drew began.

“…the icon of us staring at each other during the rumba…” Cheryl continued.

“…where we professed our love for each other in the orchestra pit of the stage!” they finished together. Both of them starting cracking up and when they realized nobody else was as amused they attempted to control their laughter as Cheryl choked out, “I guess you had to be there.”

“Where? In the orchestra pit?” Joey cracked.

‘I wish!’ Drew and Cheryl thought simultaneously as a spark of electricity flowed between them.

‘How much more in love could these two be?!’ Mark thought.

Breaking the awkward moment, Kym cleared her voice and announced, “Well I, for one, would like to read this story Sabrina and Derek are writing.”

The rest of the gang agreed and before Mark could protest everyone had starting walking towards the bus, chatting excitedly.

One of the company dancers Mark had befriended wandered over to him they started chatting. After about 7 minutes, loud shouts and laughter erupted from his bus.

“What is going on in there?” Genya questioned Mark.

“The demise of my public image.” He responded as he excused himself.

“Wait, wait, I like the part about the fairy better than the bird! Change that! What about underwater? He uses a love arrow! What if you were a donkey instead?” Were the random shouts Mark was hit with as he reentered the bus.

“Wait, wait, almost done…” he heard Derek say.

“And they lived happily ever after!” Sabrina exclaimed.

“Mark is going to die…” he heard Karina snicker.

“And why am I going to die?” Mark asked as he popped in on his friends.

“We’re all done Marky. I just have to press “post” and… there! Want to read it now?” Sabrina smiled innocently at her beau.

“What the hell, I might as well know what people are going to be saying about me now…” Mark stated as he picked up Sabrina’s laptop. “God help me. Once upon a time…”

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