Oct 18, 2005 21:33
seriously. its aggervating. he set him self up for it. he just got out of a relationship and yadda yadda. was with her for 2 years * I know how the feelings go* blah blah. I totally understand how he could be still in love and upset. but he tells me about her constantly like bad things. I have not heard one good thing. so we end up hanging out basically everyday for the most part. obviously shit happens between us. then basically we are "together" type thing. dont fricken take me grocery shopping and have me pick out the stuff Id like to eat if I stay over. then Hes like Ill call you tonight blah blah. he didnt call me so I figured something was wrong. hes like Im just depressed. but its all my fault. I was like whats wrong? Hes like I just got out of a relationship and so on and so forth. I was like ok then if you dont want me to stay then I wont if thats going to make you uncomfortable then I will just get my stuff. Then hes like no no its not you at all. ok well if youre going to be sad about your ex maybe I shouldnt stay. and maybe if you were that sad about your gf you wouldnt try to do/be with another girl. Its so aggervating...now I dont know wether or not I should get my stuff or stay. I dont know confusing.