Aug 06, 2004 14:22
well i havent done much today yet im really tired i got 5 hours of sleep and i got bout 6 the night b4 .. i guess the reson ive stayed up is cause my mom bought me a bunch of Dasani's and ive been drinkingthem like crazy and i kept drinking them and didnt wanna sleep.. oh well... tonight im going to the movies .. proly wont even go in this time. :/... well im extreamly bor so im gonna do one of those thingy mah jigs!
>[ series 1 - you ]
>Name : Cora
>Birthday : April 2
>Birthplace : dont even member
>Current Location : OZARK!
>Eye Color : uh ..
>Hair Color : blonde
>Righty or Lefty : righty
>Zodiac Sign : aries
>Font : simple arial
>[ series 2 - your favorite ]
>Music : any and all rock
>Cartoon : south park
>Color : anytihng checkard
>Snowcone Flavor : watermelon
>Magazine : transworld
>TV Show : real world
>Song at the Moment : uh. theres alot of great songs
>Language : a lil bit f jibberish
>Spice Girl : ...
>Food & Beverage : definatly Dasani water .. food.. ALOT
>Subject in School : this year gourmet food
>Weekend Activity : chillin
>Ice Cream Flavor : i dont really eat ice cream
>Roller Coaster : Montu at bush gardens was tight
[ series 3 - what is... ]
>Your most overused phrase: dude or hey
>The last image/thought you go to sleep with : hum i wonder what time it is
>The Best Name for a Butler : Harry
>The wussiest sport : umm.. chess?
>Your best feature : who knows
>Your bedtime : what loser has a bed time i usually fall asleep roun 3
>Your greatest accomplishment : getting out of bed
>Your most missed memory : 7th grade
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
>-- Pepsi or coke : Coke
>McDonald's or Burger King : mc donalds
>Single or group dates : group dates they are funny
>Adidas or Nike : adidas
>Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : didnt think there was a diffrencr
>Dogs or cats : dogs
>Rugrats or Doug : rugrats
>Single or taken : SINGLE!
>Monica or Brandy : ... yea that
>Tupac or Jay-Z : .. uhh tu pac.. jay z scares me
>Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : neither
>One pillow or two : 2
>Chocolate or vanilla : chocolate
>Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : agian... i didnt know there was a diffrence
>Cappucino or coffee : neither
>Boxers or briefs : boxers!!
[ series 5 - do you ]
>Take a shower everyday? : yeap
>Have a(any) crush(es)? : sure y not
>Do you think you've been in love? :no
>Want to go to college? : yea
>Like high school? : havent been yet
>Want to get married : yeap
>Type with your fingers on the right keys? :theres actully a certain place ur posed to put ur fingers?
>Believe in yourself? : i belive im sittin right here
>Have any piercings/where? : yea ears
>Get motion sickness? : NO!
>Think you're a health freak? : is that a bad thing?
>Get along with your parents? : my moms annoying
>Like thunderstorms? :yea
[ series 6 - the future ]
>Age you hope to be married : sometime b4 60
>Number and Names of Children : i know one is gonna b aryan pronounced (aaron)
>Where do you see yourself at age 20? : i see myself eating some good food
>Descibe your Dream Wedding : lots of friends
>How do you want to die? : i dont
>What do you want to be when you grow up? : in the air force!
>What country would you most like to visit? : austrailia.. going there spring break!!
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
>Best eye color? : any
>Best hair color? : dont matter
>Short or long hair? : shaggy long.. not like REALY long
>Best height? : a lil taller than me
>Best weight? : who cares
>Best articles of clothing? : shoes!!! gotsta have nice shoes
>Best first date location? : anywhere
>Best first kiss location? : no idea
>What facial feature do you find the most attractive? : eye brows
[ series 8 - other ]
>When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? :umm.. slept with onewith intentions of it protecting me like 5 yrs ago slept with one only cause it somehow got on my bed.. bout 5 hours ago
>How many rings until you answer the phone? : uh i dunno it depends who i tihnk it is
>What's on your mouse pad? : it dunno i cut it with my nife and drew all over it
>How many houses have you lived in? : one
>How many schools have you gone to? : 5
>Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? :bald is beautiful
>If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things (not people) with you what would you take? cell phone.. bible.. and.. my knife
>What was the best time of your life so far? no idea
>First grade teacher's name : Mrs Carter
>Last word you said : come here Mr. Bojangles! (talkin to my cat)
>Last song you sang : i cat sing and i dont atttempt to
>What's in your cd player? : cds i hope
>What color socks are you wearing? : white
>What's under your bed? : ya cant put nuttin under my bed..
>What time did you wake up at today? :930
>Current mood: bored
>Current music: none realy
>Current taste: water
>Current hair: uh brushed
>Current clothes: jeans a tee shirt and my Converses
>Current annoyance: i hafta pee REALLY bad but i aint gittin up
>Current smell: my cat
>Current longing: to pee and to chill with ginny
>Current desktop picture: confed flag
>Current favorite artist: i dunno
>Current color of toenails: um.. theyaint painted if thats what ur gitin to
>Current crush: noone
>Current time-wasting wish: thems is some awefully big words
>Current hate: Cody Arvin!
>story behind your username: the ones i wanted werre takem?
>current favorite article of clothing: shoes
>favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Abs
>last cd that you bought: umm blank ones
>last song downloaded: incubus what ever tomorrow brings
>favorite place to be: with my friends
>least favorite place: school
>strong in mind or strong in body: umm .. i can stand on my head
>time you wake up in the morning: depends
>holidays: umm.. yea that one
>if you could play any instrument, what would it be: guitar WAY better and drums
>do you believe in an afterlife? yea.. heaven
>how tall are you? 5'4' 5'5
>current favorite word : hahah.. stop sounds cool
>favorite book : i dont read AT all
favorite day: any day that i aint gotta go to school
+ what are you doing right now? tring to hold my pee and doing this
+ do you like your neighbors? they give me money
+ whats your magic number? 4
+ do you smoke drink or do drugs? no
what comes to mind when you hear these names..
+ blair: hair
+ shannon: i miss u shannon!
+ thomas: katys sexy bro
+ scott:austin is sexy
+ lawrence: C.j.
+ aaron: mann
+ heather: austin
+ chris: Crumb
+ mallory: sounds like a whore name
+ chaquita: foood
+ friend: proly kelsay cause shes always there but i dont have and ULTIMATE favoite
+ car: '69 mustang
+ store: pac sun and journeys
+ outfit: my birthday suit
+ singer: ii dunno
+ movie: alot
+ pair of socks: tube socks are nice.. but no show white ones are better
+ saying: hugs not drugs
+ animal: hippos!
when was the last time you..
+ showered: this morning
+ kissed some one: hum... like well last time i was with robert
+ went to a movie: friday
+ cried: jeeze.. when i heard cort was moving
+ talked on the phone: like 5 secs ago
+ paged someone: hahaha i do that alot
+ lied: i neer lie
+ cheated on someone: um..
+ ate nerds: those things are good.. its been AWHILE
+ drank welchs grape juice: ew
+ watched the country channel: Virginia beach
+ shaved ANY part of you body and what part: ....
+ what did you do on Halloween: played soccer
+ whats your favorite Scary movie: i dont know
+ do you belive in magic: no theres a trick behind EVERYTHING
+ whats your middle name: Marie
+ favorite Disney character: goofy
+ what brand of deodorant do you use: Adidas
+ do you like Pickles: yea
+ do you have a website: naw
+ do you have your own phone line: yea and a cell..
+ your thoughts on abortion: murder
+ do you like brittney spears: NO
+ What do you want for christmas: drums
+ would you ever get plastic surgery if so on what: no
+ last time you went to the bowling alley: we all know what happened that trip on the church van! :/
+ what perfume/cologne do you wear: deoderant!
+ do you like jell-o if so what flavor: it gives me gas
+ brand of toothpaste: i dont know but it tates good
+ last time you went to the doctor: orthodontist a couple of days ago
+ do you have a credit card: nah
+ do you love your mom: yea but shes really anoying
+ do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO: who in what?
+ ever taken ballet: haha me..ballet.. if only u knew me
+ favoite juice: i dunno
+ most attracitve person: me jk.. i dunno
+ any diseases if so what are they?: none
+ last book you read...was it good:outsiders.. it was good i gues for a book
+ white, dark, or milk choclate: milk
+ ever died your hair: yea
+ What brand shampoo: pantene
+ thing you hate most about your body: my hair
+ last time you smoked: never
+ last thing you bought: water
more random..
+ are you stressd out...if so from what:no
+ what do you wear to the beach: board shorts and a swim suit
+ do you belive in angels: yea
+ would you ever join the army: definatly
+ do you want a puppy: nah
+ Favorite icing: vanilia
+ last time you were scared: hum... i dont member
+ by what? prolly beig raped but like i sai di dont member
+ last party you went to: '08 party
+ what detergent do you use: GAIN the fresh scent that lasts
+ what fabric softner do you use: i dunno
+ are your nails real or fake: real
+ do you work out: yea
+ are u muscular: u could say that i guess i dunno
+ do you take a lot of pictures: pics are cool
+ do you want a baby: yea until it cries or poops
+ last time you were sick: hum.. a few days ago
+ butter or margerine: butter
+ your feelings on mcdonald chicken nuggets: i dont eat them
+ do you belilve in santa claus: NO
+ do you go to a tanning bed: nah
+ do you have a car: a truck
+ do you have your licence? nope
+ how do you get around: parents and emilee and crystal
+ are you dissatisfied with your hair color: i dont like it
+ what kind of jewlry do you wear: i wear necklaces and sometimes bracelets
+ do you have a cellie: yea a cam. phone
+ favorite kind of gum: extra
+ would you ever get a tatoo: gittin one
even more random..
+ do u like
what in it:
+ favorite lip gloss: i dont wear it
u wear a watch: i always break them
sunglasses: nah
+ ever been to the mall of america: no
+ are you online a lot: YES too much
+ number of times I have been in love: z0
+ number of times I have had my heart broken: zip
+ number of hearts I have broken: do i care?
+ number of girls I have kissed: EW none
+ number of women I've slept wit: NONE
+ number of continents I have lived in: 1
+ number of drugs taken illegally: 0
+ number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: prolly 5
+ number of people I consider my enemies: none
+ number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with:...
+number of CD's that i own: alot of burnt ones
+ number of tattoos: 0
+ number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: ALOT
+ number of scars on my body: softball+soccer + skateing= u do the math
+ number of things in my past that I regret: never do anytihng ull regret later