Mar 15, 2007 09:29
I really despise it when people over exaggerate. Make an injury sound worse than it is or having a broken bone but being all like "it hurts it hurts!"
Shut up you stupid people. I've broken my hand just in time for graduation I might add, and the more you complain about it the longer the injury is going to last. Also the more people are going to want to smack you for being a whinny bitch. A broken bone, if set by a doctor, does not hurt that bad. Yeah pop some advil or what not every few hours to keep the swelling down but once that bone is set, it hardly hurts unless you're dumb and go smack it against something.
And I would like to clarify the difference between having a bruise and breaking a bone. If you have a bruise, one of those really nice ones that are all black, blue, purple, and swell, it's going to hurt like a bitch but you will still be able to use that body part, painfully for about two days but sill usable. If you break the bone, you won't be able to use that body part because until it is set you are going to be in so much bloody pain to move it. When I broke my hand, it got lovely sades of black, blue and purple like all of the bruises I've gotten in the past. However, I knew I broke the damn thing when first off I had a lump growing out of my hand and second off when using it sent pains shooting up my arm. I've bruised my hands many times but never had I had pains shoot up my arms when I used it.
What am I trying to say? If you get a bruise and are in so much pain that you can't even use the body part, you MIGHT have broken it. You still need to get it checked by a doctor because you might just have a bone bruise and not a break. Second, until you have major surgery you have no idea what pain is. That pain you feel when you wake up afterwords on a scale from 1-10 is a 15 and this is coming from the girl who has played softball with broken fingers.
I'm not saying I won't have sympathy for you when you get hurt I just won't have it for you when you complain about being hurt or have a bruise on your ass (the BOTTOM of your ass I might add, no where near your tail bone) and claiming you broke your tailbone because it hurts to walk and you feel bloated. You feel bloated because you most likely ate some bad food! We are at college. It is possible
~Get get get over it