Jun 12, 2007 21:01
I'M FRIGGIN DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GRADUATED!!! GOODBYE TO BIG MORONS AND JERKS!!! SO LONG GOODBYE FOREVER!!!!!!! Good luck in the future but i doubt anyone who is a jerk now will change..but goodbye FOREVER. I''m done with the bullshit and drama!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ^_^ I can't believe I am done!!
I graduated with 'The Thearter Excellnce Award' and A gold medal for leadership!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that??? Really amazing. lol I'm happy.
Oh yes..The New York Voices are amazing!! There a jazz group made up of two men and two women..there soooo good. I got to see them when they came to the high school! I LOVED them!!
I'm REALLY happy for the following reasons:
1.) I'm done with high school!!! (obviously happy about that)
2.) I am in love, I have the greatest guy in the entire world and I couldn't ask for anyone better then him!!! I don't want anyone else but him!!
3.) I have the best of friends. I have made sooooo many good friends. My friends are the best don't even try to compare ^_^ lol There amazing!!!
4.) My dad is the best dad.