Oct 24, 2005 17:12
Its been a few weeks...how is everyone.......I cant believe how fast this year is goin already...Its almost Hall-o-ween [Round 3->girls will dominate like usual lol]....hall-o-ween means its almost november.....Where is the year goin??? I love senior year...but i dont love watchin it fly by...Doin like a million bagillion college things...college..wow crazy were thinkin bout it..i feel like were babies y we thinkin bout colleges lol......Im excited bout college..it will be fun......but i dont want to leave my friends and stuff...i kno it sounds like sooo 4 year oldish...but i just dont want to...i'll admit it.....we just need to live it up this year...and just have fun!!................Okie dokie thats it for now......peace out amigo! xoxo
~* <3 Kelly *~