Apr 22, 2006 11:36
So Prom is almost here!!! =D I'm really excited. The dress code keeps changing it's really gay. My girl Juicy is suppose to be having her own prom because of the dress code. Most of the girls got their dresses made with their stomach out...so they'll prolly go to Juicy's. I still have to get my shoes & thats all. Next weekend i'm getting my hair recolored!!! I'm soo excited for that...because of course Miciah is doing it!! && i love him. He's the best hairstylist in the world PROMISE!!! =D
I miss my baby alotalotalot!!! I haven't seen him in like 245102164 days seriously! He's still grounded =( Our 2yr Ann. is Tuesday..we didn't get to hang out this weekend or last. He went to his graps...so i havent talked to him since Friday morning. i'll go to his house Tuesday i think. =D It's crazy that we've been together for 2years now!!! That's a longggg ass time. but hey i got forever to go!!!! =) No bitch will ever take him from me T.R.U.S.T. I'll beat a bitches ass for him *hehe* So all you bitches that want him BACK THE FUCK OFF. =)
My mommy just bought me a pack of Jones pop. Tawny & Beffie are still sleeping. Mari will be outta work in about 2 hours. I have to go bring my grams to my uncle andy's in holton. I wish summer would come faster! I'll be working just about everyday but i'll have mad money =) Beffie, Cainan, & I all work together...so it should be very interesting. Softball has been really gay lately. Nobody does anything...they're lazy. ugh. I have to step it up alot! okay enough rambling on.
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