Dec 20, 2005 22:22
The year 2005 has flown by. There have been many things that have happened in the past year. As I did last year, I am going to make a list of events/accomplishments that have occured this year. I guess u can call it the best of 05.
1. January- On New Years Day, there was a party, had a date....never could forget officer altman. that night was crazy. Other than that, nothing too exciting occured in January besides Basketball.
2. February- Didn't have a boyfriend for valentines day, so that kinda sucked. We made it to state basketball tournaments but lost by 2 points in the first round. I got my cartilege pierced (big accomplishment for me, im scared of needles)
3. March- I cut my hair really short and also got really blonde highlights in it...a lot, so i turned into a blonde. Church softball practice started...i love church softball
4. April- Spring break for school. At the end of April, my class went to Washington for a few days. It was fun. I enjoyed it, minus the cold weather. We went to a 4-story mall. That was pretty awesome. We also played in a pre-season tournament for church, lost, but i became Pug's bodyguard since he hurt his back. (He got hott this year :) )
5. May- Softball games officially started. I started to talk to Pug even more. School ended. I was proud of myself. I became friends with my ex boyfriend, again. I left for the beach at the end of the month for 2 weeks, that was pretty fun. I talked to Pug everyday while i was down there too :)
6. June- The first part was spent at the beach. I met some cool people whom i still talk to today. Softball was still going on. I wasn't picked for the All Star game, which upset me a little bit since it was my last year. Jesse aka Pug and John got to play in it so I cheered them on. Then the street dance occured. I hung out with Jesse the whole night and we had our first kiss *aww*
7. July- July 8, 2005, Jesse Moody asked me out, and of course I said yes :) At the end of the month, we went to Camp Awanita for the weekend. I had a blast there. I did not like the slide though. But spending the weekend with friends was cool.
8. August- Volleyball started. School started for everyone. I started my junior year..YES! Football started for WH and PHA.
9. September- Volleyball was at its best. Football was at its best. Nothing too exciting occured this month. Homecoming week got taken away, and we only had 3 days to dress up. We had the powderpuff game. It was pretty cool too.
10. October- Jessica turned 19. We made it to state volleyball tournaments. I also made it to the North/South All Star game, for the 2nd year in a row. I missed the last home WH game because of tournaments. But it was ok. I also took the PSAT, which i made the highest score in the school, a 1830 on the SAT, psh, this thing doesnt tell you what u gonna make.
11. November- I received the Best Offensive Player award for volleyball. My coach said he was going to put Most Offensive Player but he didnt. I thought that was funny. I hated to lose and always tried my best. Only one more year of volleyball *tear* I took the SAT on Nov. 5 and made a 1480 on it, not too good but I can always bring it up.
And now that brings me to
12. December- I took exams this past week. I did good on them, i hope. The ones that i know the grades on, i did well. Jesse and I have been dating for 5 months now, and i truly love him. He's the best thing that has probably happened to me, and I'm so thankful that he is my boyfriend. Christmas is now 5 days away, and my birthday is a week from today. New Years is in two weekends. This year has had its ups and downs. But I'm so glad that everything that has happened has occured. I think everything happens for a reason.