Everything's changing...

Nov 23, 2006 18:58

Isn't that just the cold hard truth. Time changes, seasons change, weather changes, clothes change, fads change, food changes, friends change, classes change... and most importantly, people change. Cold hard truth. You will change. Your friends will change. You will (most likely) not like it. There's not much you can do it about it. Deal with it is basically all you can do. Except for yourself. You control yourself. Make sure you are changing for the better.

So this day is all about being thankful and thanking, and that is what I shall do.

~Jessi~ For the past 12 years you and I have been best friends. I couldn't ask for a better friend. You are always there for me, giving me a helping hand when needed and a kick in the face when needed as well. You keep me on the right path, helping me make the right decisions, always making me laugh, giving me chocolate.... You know the rest. I'll have to make another note for you after a while =D We haven't hung out in a while though... I miss you. We should change that. Hope you are having fun in Chicago. I'm praying for you.

~Brittney~ Sports brought us together, and now there is nothing that can break us apart. Through thick and thin we've been bestest buds, and you've always been there to look out for me. Complaining about all the idiots in the world, listening to country, being hick.... We have just about everything in common and I'm so greatful I have you for a friend. I have some of your stuff too... =D Don't worry you'll get it back. We need to hang out anyways. Doing anything tomorrow?

~Brynn~ Yeah so I didn't ilke you when I first met you... That's what boys'll do to yah, right? =D Now we're best of friends. I love you mucho and since we started our special Wednesdays, we have gotten so much closer. You have always been there, giving me the best advice for all my boy troubles and helping me through hard times. Sorry I bang on the door when you are trying to pee, you know its funny  ; D And I'll be working at Little Ceasars soon, so I can get you 5 dollar pizzas all the time... hahaha... All the memories we have together and all the ones to come. Tomorrow. You. Me. Brittney. Sound like a plan? I'll call you.

~Adam~ So it took me a while to realize I like you. Whatcha gunna do bout it? =P Enjoy every minute of it, that's what. I know for sure I enjoy every minute I am with you. Putting up with me is no easy task, but I'm glad you've decided to at least try. You always seem to make me laugh, even though I can't make you laugh that easily. But don't worry, I'll do something stupid enough that'll make you laugh so hard you'll cry soon enough. Don't you worry. I'm so glad that you enjoy sitting at my piano and listening to me play music... I love playing musci while you're with me. And I love iteven more when you try to play my music ; D you aren't that bad! Promise! Thanks for always being there for me... Te amo <3

Lately I've been noticing the things around me - Such as sunrises, sunsets, stars, trees.... Little things. God has made this world such a beautiful place. I'm glad that I can enjoy it so much.

I'm extreamly thankful for the girl who called me from Little Ceasars. Yup. Thats right. I have a job interview on Saturday at 2:30. I'm so excited. I wish I wasn't so nervous though. Oh well. I reaaaally hope I get a job there. That would make my day.

And all you other people who make my life just wonderful. Whether you just say "Hi" to me in the morning, help me with my homework, compliment me, notice when I'm feelin' down... I have so many amazing people in my life. If you have any contact with me in any way, shape, or form, you have no idea how extreamly thankful I am for you. Thank you for making my life the wonderful life it is.
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