(no subject)

Oct 05, 2004 21:41

I stole this from Kaylyn.

- M E -
.x. [my name is]: Erin
.x. [in the morning I am]: Walking around my room blind because of my lack of contacts.
.x. [all I need is]: Gum.
.x. [love]: Softball
.x. [I'm afraid of]: Birds!!!
.x. [I dream about]: Well, the only ones I remember are the ones when someone from my family dies.

- Y E S . O R . N O -
.x. [you keep a diary]: Heck yes!
.x. [you like to cook]: Sometimes, it really depends on my mood.
.x. [you have a secret you have not shared with anyone]: Um...no!
.x. [you fold your underwear]: No.
.x. [you talk in your sleep]: Ya, my parents say that I sound like an alien when I sleep.
.x. [you set your watch a few minutes ahead]: No, I hate that!
.x. [you believe in love]: Yes.

- D O -
.x. [you wish you could live somewhere else]: Only every day of my life!
.x. [you think about suicide]: No
.x. [others find you attractive]: I don't really know. Maybe!
.x. [you want more piercings]: yes!
.x. [you want more tattoos]: No, they get wrinkley when you're older...eww!
.x. [you do drugs]: Nope.
.x. [you smoke]: No.
.x. [you like cleaning]: NO!!!
.x. [you like roller coasters]: Heck yes!
.x. [you write in cursive or print]: print.
.x. [you carry a donor card]: Huh?!?
.x. [you have a crush on somebody]: Maybe.

H.A.V.E. Y.O.U. E.V.E.R
.x.[been in love]: True love...nope.
.x.[cried when someone died]: Yes.
.x.[lied]: Oh yes.
.x.[fallen for your best friend]: Nope.
.x.[been rejected]: Not yet lol.
.x.[rejected someone]: Yeah.
.x.[used someone]: No.
.x.[been cheated on]: Not that I know of!
.x.[done something you regret]: Oh my goodness, yes!

-N U M B E R-
.x. [of times i have had my heart broken]: 1
.x. [of hearts i have broken]: 2
.x. [of guys i have kissed]: 2
.x. [of girls i have kissed]: 0
.x. [of continents i have lived in]: 1
.x. [of close friends]: 15
.x. [of cd's that i own]: I don't know...a lot!
.x. [of scars on my body]: 7
.x. [of things in my past that i regret]: Too many to count!

Put an X next to the things you've done:
(_) been drunk.
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(_) kissed a member of the same sex.
(_) kissed your best guy friend
(_) crashed a friend's car.
(_) been to china.
(x) rode in a taxi.
(x) been in love.
(_) been dumped.
(x) snuck out of my parent's house.
(_) been caught masturbating.
(x) pissed on myself. (not in years)
(_) been arrested.
(_) had a crush on a teacher.
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new york.
(x) been to europe.
(_) skipped school.

- F I R S T S -
First job: Still never had a job lol.
First pet: Parakeets...yes, I know, they're probably part of why I'm afraid of birds now!
First piercing/tattoo: When I was 8...my ears.
First credit card: No credit card yet!
First kiss: Sadly, when I was 15.
First one that mattered: Also when I was 15.
First big trip: London when I was 12

- L A S T S -
Last car ride: Tonight, coming home.
Last kiss: A few months ago.
Last movie watched: Dances With Wolves in history.
Last beverage drank: Sprite
Last food consumed: Steak and potatoes...mmm!
Last phone call: Pez.
Last time showered: This morning.
Last annoyance: Dad...and possibly Coley or Bea.
Last soda drank: Sprite
Last ice cream eaten: Chocolate chip cookie dough...hells yea!
Last person(s) you were thinking of: Coley cuz me and Pez are talking about her.
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