
May 09, 2010 06:08

It's not yet six in the morning, and I'm awake. Again.

Since I got sick three weeks ago, my sleeping schedule has been completely off the clock, and I can't get it back on track. At least, this time, I'm awake at dawn, but not because I haven't slept all night. (I fell asleep, woke up after four hours or so, can't get back to sleep)

As you can see, I'm alive. :)

Quick updates in list form:

1. School:

. I got my grades for the winter semester, and I did a lot better than I could have hoped for. Moreover, the highest grade I got (A) was for the one class that didn't manage to grab my interest at all. I did enjoy the term assignment though, so that might have something to do with it.
. I am glad (OMG, am I ever) that this semester is over and done with. The Research class which I thought was going to be awesome (Statistics! I love statistics!) turned out to have both a) a bad teacher, and b) a random crazy person that I was stupid enough to team up with for not one, but two term assignments. There was a lot of head banging and hair pulling, let me tell you.
. The summer term has started and I am so psyched about it. The only bad thing about the class I am taking (library services for children) is that my professor has my dream job, and I kinda hate her for it. *g* She's the children's librarian at my local library. During introductions in the first class, I said: "Hi, I'm Sofy, I'm in the librarianship stream, and I want your job." I believe this is the beginning of a nice friendship. *g*

2. Family:

. Nessa is living with Sébas, Josée, and the kidlets. It has been SO GOOD to her so far. She spends a lot of time with Mari, has a job at the stables, and is mending her relationship with our mother in the process. I am pleased.
. My father and Jacky are getting married in two weeks. OMG. I can't describe at all how happy this makes me. \o/
. Sassa (now 4, OMG!) is wearing glasses. My tiny, weird, geek of a niece is even geekier. If I can get a good picture, I will post. You guys have to see her. ;)
. Guigui has figured out that he has feet and he can run. Plus, he always has a smile and a hug for me when I visit them. He is the cutest little nephew in the entire universe. Yesterday, he spent a good ten minutes just blowing me kisses and grinning at me. That was just before the hockey game (Canadians vs Penguins); he cheered as the channel started showing the ice, booed at the Penguins when they came on the ice, and cheered again (all the while clapping his hands and bouncing) when it was the Canadians' turn. And he was wearing his red Canadians t-shirt. TINY HOCKEY FAN FOR THE WIN.

3. @ home:

. Doyle is huge. Fred is cute. Onie and Niki are skittish. It's life as usual. ;)
. At least, my home is starting to not look like a pig's sty. I approve. (The semester was hard! Cleaning kinda didn't happen)

4. Health:

. Ugh.
. I had a cold. Probably the flu. It was bad; I lost two out of the three weeks of vacation I had to sleeping, feeling icky, and sleeping some more. I'm not completely over it yet, but I can at least function. Now if I could only start having a regular sleeping schedule...

5. Mir:

. Still awesome.
. Still totally and completely head over heels in love with her.
. Been married almost EIGHT months. OMG!!!!
. While long distance relationship-ing sucks, she is worth every minute of it. I'm even more sure today than on our wedding day that she is the love of my life, and my soul mate. Best thing Fandom has ever given me.

Finally: I love you guys. I miss you. I've just done a clearing up of my flist (mostly communities; some people I barely interacted with), and I'm hoping that it will seem like a less daunting task to keep up with all of it. I miss being a part of fandom. I miss writing. Most of all, I miss you.

*hugs all around*

sofylovesithere, mir+sofy=forever, sofylovesherpeeps, howsofybecamealibrarian

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