Отличный пример эволюции страха

Jun 22, 2013 21:11

She became progressively blinder, and then she couldn't go walking alone because she'd fall down.
Then she became afraid to walk, although she never said so, and then she became angry at her own fear. Finally she became rebellious. She rebelled against all of it: the blindness, the restriction, the falling down, the injuries, the fear. She no longer wanted to have anything to do with these sources of misery, and so she retreated under the bedcovers. It was a way of changing the subject.
M.Atwood. The boys at the Lab

Сталкиваясь со страхом - своим или чужим - нужно, как мне кажется, анализировать не столько сам страх, сколько отношение к нему - своё или чужое и своё. И тогда будет возможно получить конструктивные выводы, не погрязнув в рефлексии.


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