Yesterday was a very good day.
I bought the Arcade Fire album - Funeral, which is muchos good.
I decided the content for my page in the Skinny. Such uncharacteristic organisation meant I was able to contribute lots at the meeting, and actually found myself to be an authority on something in journalism. OK it's listings but still it made me feel good, and I'm going to be the Listings editor for the Skinny too now. Plus I'm inspired to contribute as much as possible to other sections. I also got a place for my mate tiger to help them acquiring advertising. Went for a drink afterwards with them, thoroughly nice bunch.
Then went off for drinks in a distant part of Edin I hadn't been to before in casa
dreamaline, who can't write for me anymore and is going to work for a rival paper, grr.
candyfloss_boy was there too and I vented my bottled up Heroes bitterness to him, and also hopes for something better at the next one. Then the three of us and Dreamaline's friend Jonathan chatted and bitched, without the aid of drink or cigarettes, on topics ranging from true love, self-confidence, talent and creativity. I must have talked people into submission, as they left one by one,
dreamaline resorting to taking a nightbus to the airport and a flight to Amsterdam to escape, distracting me first with the fantastic, which I wish I'd looked at while I was still working over the festival.
Today's been fun too. I shaved and got a haircut to impress Mr. Gorgeous, who I'd arranged to meet for lunch. By the time I went for haircut, all barbers nearby seemed closed or busy, so I ended up getting a haircut from the Chinese barber, who speaks almost no English. He was lovely and polite, but it was difficult to explain to him my problem with the short back and sides, long on top, square spiky block he had given me. Luckily my increased confidence and my desire not to meet Mr. G looking like Gary Barlow crica 1992 meant I had to courage to gesture that Id like the corners cut off,
Then I went and waited on the royal mile for half an hour before I texted the fitboy to find that he'd completely forgotten. Strangely I wasn't that bothered, I suppose cause I've done that so many times to other people that now I feel it's money in the Bank of Hard Done By, which can make me less guilty about when I'm flaky. We're gonna go for lunch tomorrow instead.
Eets all gooood