Aug 12, 2005 13:03
What if 'PRiNCE CHARMiNG never showed up
would snow white* have laid in that glass box foever
or would she have gotten up.. spit out the apple*
qotten a job..&a healthcareplan &moved on w. her life
i've learned that things change people change.
and it doesn't mean - you forget the past or try
to cover iit up ;; it simply means that you M0VE''
0N & treasure the memories.. letting go doesnt*''
mean giiving up* it just means l|[ accepting ]|l ''
that some things just werent MEANT T0 BE<3.
It's the way he makes me ( laugh )
when I dont even wanna ( smile )
» years of friendship & nothin to doubt «
endless memorries, too many to count '
through drama, lies, & crazzeee fiights '
u're my best friiend, my heart, my liFe <3 '
Begiinnin are scary -- endins are sad '*
'* iits the middle that counts the most '*
so don't look so hard f4 happy endings.
' * cuz you m.i.i.g.h.t. miss the. . . ' *
[ best ] [ part ] [ of ] [ the ] [ story ]
Everythiing changes
but *' beauty '* remains
sOmeThiing sO tender
Xo_ I can''t ExPlaiin _oX
p r e T t y s m i l E s & makeup'*
hiide [ s o m u c h ] these dayz '
we have been throuqh drama, cryinq, heartbreaks
and despair xox we went throuqh fiqhts and bad`'
times. but you kno what ?' i really dont care !!
im with you F0REVER and i love you alot .. cause *
your my bestfriend and the beSt thing i've gOt '
let me see your funkie chicken whats that you say?! i said let me see your funkie chicken, whats that you say, i said i gotta see your funkie chicken whats that you say?! i said funkie chicken funk funkie chicken oh baby funkie chicken funk funkie chicken.
ONe dark night when we were all in bed
MIss olery took a latern to the shed and when the Cow kicked over this is what she said , she said it's gunna be a hot one in the old town tonight Fire fire fire.
you can't ride in my lil' red wagon the wheels are broken and the axels saggin'
Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
2nd verse same as the first a lil bit louder and a whole lot worse!
i passed hiim a note that saiid. .
i wiish u **knew** how iit feels
t o b e [ [ o b s e s s e d ] ]
he wrote- what iif i do. . . . . .
and .s.m.i.l.e.d. at me
Credits TO Everyone!