this past weekend was one of the best weekends of my life.
i'm so thankful i took that trip.
i'm even more thankful that i peered over top of the divider at ihop.
and introduced myself to some kids while i was at bamboozle this year.
because these people are some of the most genuine and nicest people i've ever met.
i cried pretty much the whole flight from charleston to houston.
because of the incredible kindness that these people have shown me.
i love my friends a lot. ones from home, and the ones all around.
the people i have in my life are just truly amazing.
so i wanted to say thank you for being supportive
and for all the memories... they will always be with me.
now obviously there were a million pictures taken.
flying in was goregous.
i was starving, since they refuse to serve you food on the plane, so we went to olive garden.
alyssa and i did dishes...... i swear it was eventful
tony was painting his boots for the incredible outfit he has planned.
luke was doing the same.
me and alyssa got drunk by ourselves... i love wine and red bull.
scenes from a movie.
jared's got a nice tush, and jon, is ummm ripping on that lovely guitar of his.
we then traveled to pennsylvania, to see gatsbys play in pittsburg.
kirby, pa.
alyssa was taking a long time to pee.
this picture took about 12 times...
alyssa was ready to gooooo!
as was katrina, man we were excited about almost having the drive done.
we went to pittsburg to see these boys play,
and i looooooooved every minute of it.
the venue was really really awesome.
although, dancing with only 2 other girls, is awkward.
especially when the crowd is staring at them...
seeing them at home is so completely different.
pj from armor for sleep.
kyleeeeee from gatsbys.
billy darling.
kirk and kyle are best buds ;)
nic beer bonging through a skull.
as late as it was, we decided to head home, but we couldn't make it.
so we stopped in morgantown, which is where wvu is.
oddly enough, my cousin goes to school there.
i was creepy, and found his email, room, and phone number.
although he hasn't responded to my email.
hes only 6 months younger than me and i would really like to get into contact with him again.
we got bored.
we also got very very tired.
the next day was the formal. oh man. it was an enjoyable night:
finished off the rest of the wine. yeah me and alyssa are pros at drinking.
we were excited for what was in store.
these girls are amazing. so effing amazing.
ritaaaaa and alyssaaaaa
tony and katrina look incredible :)
how amazing does katrina's eye make up look ;)
meredith is one of the sweetest girls i've ever met.
jareds outfit was incredible.
luke and jon guitaring it up.
tony doing his thing. his bass was "vintage"
jared tearing on the drums
greg from time and distance helped tony sing the last little bit of beautiful
this girl rita is precious.
dance party.
i loooooooove katrina.
renee looked HOT that night.
crunkity crunk crunk.
wasteddddddd. minus 1.
ooooh julieeeeee this girl is a champ.
shana, jess, rita, me. these girls RULE at life.
me stacey katrina alyssa. woooooo.
annaaaaa and alyssa and myself.
this girl came down from effing detriot, shes way rad.
arian was one of my favorite people i met this weekend.
squared passed out.
alyssa stradles katrina to do her eyeliner.
here we go off to columbus.
nic nusham the creepster.
tony and billy.
katrina and billy.
random people and billy.
me and billy.
these boys were arguing about somethingn kinda important or something.
bobby was smart and mixed the insides of his burrito so itw asn't all on one side.
happy halloween, billy - repair man, bobby - darth vadar, kyle - troll.
katrinas car got towed, we were just going to head home after armors set.
that didn't happen.
we did a double take, and the car wasn't there. thank god it was a 24 hour tow place.
and the gatsbys boys took us to the place, gosh they're incredible.
on our way for the halloween crunkfest.
how sweet was justin.
now... halloween was intense. it was tony's birthday at midnight.
and we went to a bar.
no cover, annnnnd they werent carding.
lets jsut say i got wasted.
tina turner, shes white i swear.
ooooh meredith. i loveee her.
she wrote me the sweetest note,
i cried a lot when i read it. oh man.
we're hot, period.
lucas and jared, oooh how i love these boys.
i swear i'm not drunk yet.
jager bombs dont do shit.
"wait let me finish this"
insert precious picture here.
julie got stuck, but it was a funny picture.
welcome to the gun show.
we were wasted before we even got to the bar.
i swaer there wasn't open alcohol containers in the car.
the trio.
hottness, right here.
drunkest i've been all night. decent picture.
oh man we were wasted in the bar.
annnnd my make up is everywhere.
kessterson came to joint he festivities.
at the bar, i had way too many drinks.
danced a whole hell of a lot.
and yelled at people that didn't answer their phones when i was drunk dailing them.
all in all... i love my friends, period.
i'm learning a lot.
i love traveling.
and i will return to west virginia very, VERY soon.