Long summer

Sep 08, 2014 21:30

Yet another entry for my future self to read and reflex on.
Also, long time since I wrote anything of considerable length in english.
Also, another chapter of my emotional life, of which you're going to read nothing but vague hints because it's one of this "too-personal-but-not-talking-about-it-drives-me-crazy" things.
Also, I need an excuse for not doing anything useful just now.

For me summer is a time of constant movement, time for being on the road, changing places and people. So this summer began in March.
I haven't been staying at the same place for more than 2-2,5 weeks in a row, which may be not that short a stay, but for me it's definitely a summer-mode.
Of course, main part of that were buisness-trips to Ekaterinburg, but it's not the journey itself that creates a feeling, it's the road.
Also, there were several weekends in St. Petersburg, two SIS-visits and two trips to Europe.

This summer was great, but since last couple of summers were great too, I don't have a fever-feeling about it. Just a feeling of plain calm awesomness.
There were the ACM ICPC finals and the finals of all-russian informatics contest. There were long preparations to this year's SIS.August and then there were those 21 days of actually doing it. There were escapes from various rooms and creating our own escape-quest. There was work: as organizer, interpreter, teacher. There were various because-we-can actions and there were attempts to lead an adult life.
And there were people and music. It's safe to say that nothing affects me deeper than people and music. Not all of them, surely, just the right ones.

There was and is the never-ending search for ways to deal with people and battle with procrastination and laziness. My score is lower than I find acceptable.

The bottom-line: everything's almost good and I whine too much. Same old.
If anyone knows how to make oneself stop whining and start working, please be sure to share.
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